Blossom and Root Curriculum Review [MUST-READ]

This comprehensive review delves into the nuances of the Blossom and Root curriculum, a secular nature-based homeschooling program. As we explore the curriculum’s intricacies, we’ll uncover its strengths and weaknesses, providing you with valuable insights to aid your homeschooling decisions.

Rebbecca Devitt

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Join me as I navigate the features, pros, and cons of Blossom and Root, shedding light on its unique approach to education.

Blossom and Root Homeschool Curriculum is a secular online PDF-delivered nature based homeschool curriculum.

What is Blossom and Root?

Blossom and Root is a secular, online, PDF-delivered, nature-based homeschool curriculum tailored for families with children from PreK to Grade 6.

It integrates nature, literature, STEM, and art, emphasizing creativity and hands-on learning.

The curriculum’s unique ‘Book Seeds’ offer engaging STEM unit studies for ages 2-8.

In the elementary levels, it combines literature-focused language arts, hands-on science, and art components designed for multiple ages, promoting a shared learning experience.

Notably flexible, it doesn’t align with common core standards and omits formal tests, allowing parents to assess through narration and other methods.

Digitally delivered via PDF downloads, Blossom and Root stands out for its adaptability and commitment to a holistic, nature-inspired approach to education.

Cost of Blossom and Root

The Blossom and Root homeschool curriculum is quite affordable, mainly because it’s an online PDF production.

This means you’ll get digital products in PDFs.

  • Kindergarten curriculum is $79 here. You may want to buy extras, too.
  • Third Grade full bundle is $139 here.
  • Fourth Grade full bundle is $162 here.

You can print these digital products at your local office store.

Pros and Cons

There are some reasons to really love this curriculum, but it isn’t for everyone.


Check out these pros:

  1. Focused on Early Years: Blossom and Root is designed for students up to 5th grade, providing a focused curriculum for the foundational years.
  2. Digital Accessibility: The curriculum is available in a PDF-only format, offering easy and instant access to materials.
  3. Flexible and Adaptable: Blossom and Root is known for its flexibility, allowing families to adapt the curriculum to their unique needs.

This program suits many people and it could be a great option for your family.


But, this program isn’t for everyone.

  1. Limited Math Coverage: The curriculum includes math only up to Kindergarten, which may not be suitable for families seeking more advanced math instruction.
  2. Non-Accredited: Blossom and Root is not accredited, which might be a consideration for families looking for a program with official recognition.
  3. Grade Limitation: Families may need to transition to another curriculum after 5th grade, potentially disrupting the flow of their homeschooling journey.

What Subjects Do Blossom and Root Cover?

Blossom and Root offer many subjects tailored to each grade level.

In Kindergarten, the curriculum includes language arts, including reading, gentle copywork, narration, literature, and integrated math within science.

Nature study, art projects, composer study, and a unique “History of Me” component in history/geography round out the engaging curriculum.

For grades 1 and above, subjects include language arts with elements like reading, narration, journal prompts, creativity, and literature.

Starting from grade 2, light grammar work is introduced, and parents can supplement it as needed.

The curriculum also covers science, nature study, and art while excluding math, spelling, handwriting, cursive instruction, and history.

In the Early Years curriculum, Volume 1 focuses on literature, kindness prompts, gentle math and science foundations, nature study, picture and composer study, and art. Volume 2 introduces reading and writing readiness, early math foundations, and STEM and continues with nature study, picture and composer study, and art, fostering a holistic and engaging learning experience.

Is Blossom and Root Accredited?

No, the Blossom and Root homeschool curriculum is not accredited.

It is essential to note that Blossom and Root is not a school, charter school, or umbrella organization. This means they can’t be accredited.

Only homeschool curriculum that’s aligned with a school like BJU Press, Abeka, Ignite Christian Academy, or Veritas Press can be accredited.

Check out the Best Accredited homeschool curriculum programs if you’d like this.

What Homeschool Method Does This Program Use?

Blossom and Root do not strictly adhere to a specific homeschool method but draw inspiration from educational philosophies such as Charlotte Mason and Waldorf’s teaching.

The curriculum is hands-on, play-based, and secular, tailored for preschool and pre-k homeschooling.

Is This Secular or Christian?

The Blossom and Root curriculum is secular. This may not suit everyone. If not, look at some Charlotte Mason programs, many of which are Christian homeschool curriculums.

Is It a Full Curriculum?

Yes, Blossom and Root is a full homeschooling curriculum that covers various subjects, providing a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for families.

Curriculums like Blossom and Root

Looking for options beyond Oak Meadow? Check out these alternatives:

Oak Meadow

Known for its hands-on, nature-based approach, Oak Meadow offers a comprehensive curriculum fostering critical thinking and creativity from pre-K to high school.

Wild + Free (Community and Resources)

While not a full curriculum, Wild + Free is a vibrant community for nature-inspired homeschooling, providing monthly nature study ideas and art projects.

Charlotte Mason-Inspired Programs

If you like Oak Meadow’s focus on books and nature, consider AmblesideOnline and Simply Charlotte Mason for literature-rich, nature-focused approaches.

Nature-Based Curricula

Explore programs like Exploring Nature with Children for weekly nature study topics and activities, immersing your family in the natural world.

Waldorf-Inspired Options

If you’re drawn to Oak Meadow’s artistic side, check out Waldorf-inspired curricula like Christopherus Homeschool Resources and Live Education!, blending art, storytelling, and hands-on activities.

Oak Meadow Vs. Blossom and Root

Several factors come into play when weighing the choice between Oak Meadow and Blossom and Root.

Oak Meadow

  • Comprehensive Accredited Curriculum: Oak Meadow stands out for its comprehensive, accredited curriculum spanning all subjects, including math, and extending through high school.
  • Higher Cost: While offering an extensive educational program, it’s important to note that Oak Meadow tends to come with a higher price tag.
  • Oak Meadow AND B&R are both accredited.

Blossom and Root

  • Grade Limitation: Blossom and Root’s curriculum, in contrast, is designed for students up to 5th grade, providing a focused educational experience in the earlier years.
  • Math Coverage: It’s crucial to be aware that Blossom and Root’s curriculum includes math only up to Kindergarten, making it better suited for foundational learning in this subject.
  • PDF-Only Format: Unlike Oak Meadow, Blossom, and Root is available exclusively in a PDF format, emphasizing a digital delivery system.
  • Non-Accredited: Blossom and Root are not accredited, which might be a consideration for families seeking an accredited program.

In summary, Oak Meadow offers a broader and accredited curriculum but at a higher cost, while Blossom and Root cater to the foundational years with a focus on digital accessibility and a non-accredited status.

Choosing Homeschool Curriculum

To get some great info on homeschool programs, check the following video and articles:

You’re sure to find something you love here.

Choose a Curriculum by Homeschool Method

You may not know, but you can also choose a homeschooling curriculum based on the homeschool method you like best:

But there are other ways you might prefer to choose a program…

Choose a Homeschool Curriculum Another Way

People also like to choose based on these factors:

Or you can do it by subject:

You can also get some great books…some people homeschool almost entirely through books:

God bless you on your homeschool journey!

The Bottom Line…

In wrapping up our look at Blossom and Root, it’s a great pick for families wanting nature-based, hands-on learning in the early years. While it’s flexible and nature-focused, keep in mind it focuses on basic math, isn’t accredited, and is best suited for younger learners. Your choice depends on how well these aspects align with what you’re looking for in homeschooling. Understanding both the good and not-so-good helps you decide if Blossom and Root is the right fit for your family’s educational journey.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

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