Many home educators think they need to use a curriculum that has some homeschooling accreditation for their children to have any chance of attending college. Thankfully, this is not the case, and homeschoolers can quickly enter college with nothing to their name except a decent SAT or ACT score and a parent-written transcript. However, this doesn’t mean there aren’t certain advantages of homeschooling accreditation. Furthermore, this doesn’t mean there aren’t certain disadvantages of accreditation that stem from being restricted to a rigid curriculum.
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In this article, we’ll cover:
- What is homeschooling accreditation?
- The benefits and disadvantages of accreditation
- If my child isn’t accredited, how do they enter college?
- SAT, ACT, and CLT
- A short list of accredited homeschool programs
Let’s get started!
What is Homeschooling Accreditation?
Homeschooling accreditation happens when your homeschool is compared to the current and established educational standards to see if they measure up – if they match up satisfactorily, the program is accredited. If they don’t, it’s not.
Like universities evaluate research articles by peer review, educational programs are also reviewed by peers who know about that academic area and what the established education standards are.
If a program doesn’t have accreditation, it doesn’t mean the program is no good (even though accredited institutions might want you to believe this). However, it may mean the program doesn’t fit with what is currently accepted as a usual educational standard.
For instance, many parents use an eclectic homeschooling style as this allows them to present a variety of ideas to their children, which parents value children learning. Parents may choose to do this over having accreditation as a normative education is not more important than teaching the ideas they are presenting.
Some people might say homeschooling accreditation is a method of differentiating homeschools that uphold consistent academic standards and homeschools that don’t. However, it seems that this is only sometimes the case.
Many homeschools and home education programs that aren’t accredited have excellent academic standards. The Easy Peasy All-in-One curriculum seems to be an example of this.
The Benefits of Homeschooling Accreditation
Some of the benefits of homeschooling accreditation are that parents know their children are studying a program covering a wide range of educational materials that the accreditation agencies are happy with.
This means children will probably not have considerable gaps in their academic knowledge as might happen if a parent were organizing the curriculum themselves.
I’ve heard of some unschooling ‘graduates’ (who study with unschooling methods) who are a little frustrated because they don’t feel their upbringing prepared them for college. This might not dissuade them from college, but they might feel they wished their parents gave them a slightly more structured upbringing than unschooling usually allows for.
If You Have No Educational Philosophy or Idea About Homeschooling
Some parents are thrown into homeschooling, perhaps because their children are being bullied, or they believe this is the best choice for their children.
Whatever your reason for homeschooling, many parents enter the home education arena with no idea where to start.
Institutions that are accredited give these parents an easy plan to follow. This is because all the educational planning has been done for them!
Our family used Abeka Academy to homeschool, and my mother always joked that it was so easy because all she had to do was ‘sit us down and crack the whip.’
Automatic Transcripts
You might find studying under a program that’s accredited is an advantage if your children are going back to public school in the future.
Automatic transcripts from an online school could make their transition easier as public schools will more readily accept them if they’re from recognized distance education providers.
If you live in a state with strict homeschooling laws, you might find a program that gives you a state-accepted curriculum that is easier to use.
In this case, some of the big curriculum providers might be a decent option. These include:
Why You Can’t Actually Get “Homeschool Accreditation”
In the above examples, you’re not technically homeschooling.
Instead, you’ll be studying online school with the institution you choose. This is because homeschool curriculum can’t be accredited, but academics can. See what Alpha Omega Publishing said about it below:
Q: Is the AOP curriculum accredited?
A: No, only an educational institution can be accredited. Curriculum alone cannot be accredited; it can only be certified as part of an institution’s program. In other words, because Monarch, Switched-On Schoolhouse, LIFEPAC, and Horizons are not schools, they cannot be accredited.Q: Are only physical schools accredited?
A: No, Alpha Omega Academy is a fully accredited online school that uses the Alpha Omega Publications curriculum. The North Central Association Commission accredits AOA on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), a division of AdvancED, the world’s most trusted and recognized accrediting organization, representing over 34,000 schools.
Therefore, you can’t technically have ‘homeschooling accreditation.’ That is, you might think you have it, but you’re really studying in an accredited online school.
Biggest Advantage of Homeschooling Accreditation
If homeschoolers don’t need accreditation to get into college, what’s its use?
It seems the most significant advantage of homeschooling accreditation is its ability to offer parents peace of mind. Some parents are happy to be relaxed about their homeschool and the curriculum (or non-curriculum) they use.
However, other parents will worry incessantly, anxious their children are not learning the things they need for life. (This is a big reason parents don’t want to homeschool in the first place!) And, it is for these parents that accreditation is worth its weight in gold.
Knowing the curriculum you’re studying is accepted by reputable educational institutions will be a massive weight off many people’s shoulders!
Because many colleges want a transcript of what home-educated students have studied, studying with an accredited institution means getting these transcripts is easy. For example, if you study the BJU Press online homeschooling curriculum, all you have to do is print out all your transcripts at the end, do the SAT or ACT and then give these to the college, and you’re done.
If you don’t have transcripts done for you automatically, you have to assemble these yourself (like a portfolio), which might be a painful process.
As a homeschool parent, you can learn how to create your own homeschool transcript by looking at the video below.
The Disadvantages of Homeschooling Accreditation
One of the disadvantages of homeschooling accreditation is being compelled to study everything in a curriculum just to gain accreditation.
Sometimes parents might not want to study the curriculum because:
- they don’t want to focus on that particular belief (for instance, creation/evolution disagreements)
- children already know the material, and they have to go over it to pass the test to get accreditation (this is called busywork)
- parents feel another type of curriculum would be a better fit for their children, but that curriculum isn’t accredited (i.e., Charlotte Mason, unschooling, or eclectic homeschooling are methods that often don’t come with the option of accreditation)
You don’t really need homeschooling accreditation at all to get into college! It’s just nice to have.
If My Child Doesn’t Have Homeschooling Accreditation, How Do They Enter College?
Can homeschoolers study law, medicine, and architecture courses without formal homeschooling qualifications? I can say yes because I’m one of those people!
My parents didn’t use an accredited homeschooling program. Instead, they showed me how to work hard and chase after the things in life that I (academically) wanted.
This meant that, even though I was technically a high school dropout, I eventually got into medical school when I decided that I wanted to study Medicine because my homeschooling education had taught me to work hard.
My brothers also worked hard, and one is now working as an architect, while the other is working as a lawyer.
Again, one of my brothers didn’t finish high school. Instead, he went straight into doing a bridging course to study law. This meant he got to cut out one year of high school!
You can read more about these different homeschooling pathways to university here.
What Universities Require for Entry
Universities don’t need you to study a course with homeschool accreditation. And many eminent colleges acknowledge the portfolios home educated students produce, such as Harvard:
Standardized tests provide a rough yardstick of what a student has learned over time and how that student might perform academically in college – but they are only one of many factors considered in our admissions process. High school grades can also help assess readiness for college courses, but secondary schools around the country and the world employ a wide variety of grading systems – and some students have no grades at all from their schools or are home-schooled. There is no “one size fits all” rule about which curriculum to study during secondary school years. [Harvard College; Application Process]
So, don’t sweat it.
The best way to assuage your anxiety about college entry is to read how homeschoolers can be admitted according to the colleges themselves. A quick google search is enough to see their requirements.
If you do this, you’ll probably find parents just need to write out the subjects their children did and how they scored in them…and the college will accept that in conjunction with an ACT or SAT score.
SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test
In America, you don’t need homeschool accreditation to get into college because you can do the SAT and enter college that way.
The SAT is a test used to determine your academic aptitude. This test is meant to assess a student’s readiness for college. It takes about three to four hours for the test plus the essay and costs about $45-55 USD.
The ACT covers almost identical knowledge compared to the SAT. Jeremy Tate, a former college admissions test prep consultant and counselor, said this about the ACT and SAT exams:
These two testing giants, which now use tests of nearly identical content, also communicate a similar philosophy of education. For these two behemoths, it is all about “college and career readiness.” In fact, the College Board, which creates the SAT, lists “college and career readiness” first when stating the purpose of the test. [James G. Martin Center]
Jeremy Tate said he was, however, disappointed with the content in the SAT and ACTs as they ‘reflect an impoverished philosophy of education that stands in sharp contrast to the traditional or classical understanding of why we educate our children.’ (These days, the SAT and ACTs are more in line with Common Core materials.)
Tate created the Classic Learning Test (CLT), which I discuss below.
Other Options Besides the SAT and ACT
CLT – The Classic Learning Test
The CLT is another test besides the ACT and SAT you can use to enter university. They test knowledge from more of a classical perspective and differ from the SAT and ACT in that they’re not so aligned with common core standards and are not focused on just testing you for admission into college.
Although not all colleges accept the CLT, a large number will. You can see the complete list of universities that acknowledge the CLT here.
GED – General Educational Development Test
The General Educational Development Test (GED) is like a high school completion certificate.
The GED website says the tested student has American or Canadian high school academic skills. This test examines science, reading, writing, mathematics, and social study proficiencies.
Wikipedia also said this about the GED:
Passing the GED test gives those who do not complete high school or do not meet requirements for a high school diploma the opportunity to earn their high school equivalency credential, also called a high school equivalency development or general equivalency diploma.
So, the GED is another pathway if you haven’t studied a curriculum with homeschool accreditation.
Don’t Let Them Scare You
Don’t let people scare you by telling you that you need to be studying a program with accreditation. Technically no homeschools have accreditation because only institutions can be accredited!
Today there are so many pathways to college that homeschoolers just need to do a little research to find out how to get in. As we’ve delineated in this article, you don’t need homeschooling accreditation to enter college. Homeschoolers can easily (1) do their SAT or ACT and (2) get their parents to write out a list of their subjects enter college that way. A portfolio also doesn’t hurt and will put you in good standing with the college. If you’re a homeschooler entering college this way, you’ll have something that other school graduates don’t – and that’s life experiences in different areas. So, if accreditation is a reason why you’re perhaps fearful of starting homeschooling, I encourage you not to let that stop you!
My son is turning 2 next months so I’m beginning my plan for homeschooling. I love the look of the Charlotte Mason method but am not sure whether it is comprehensive and comparable to an accredited institution. If you have any familiarity with this method please let me know your thoughts.
Truly appreciate your time
Good thoughts Emily.
It’s definitely true that Charlotte Mason curricula are not accredited. And that’s because the parents lead it. And it has a lot of interest-based learning in it.
Because accreditation is based on children strictly doing what the curriculum says (and what the accreditation authorities approve), accredited curricula have very little lee-way and they don’t let kids follow their curiosity.
But, as you said, you may not have as much peace of mind if you’re going with something that isn’t accredited…and that’s up to you and how comfortable you feel about it.
This said, it’s interesting to note that all ‘accredited homeschool curricula’ are actually online schools. And they have to be because of accounting purposes.
Hope this helps, and sorry about taking so long to reply.
Rebecca Devitt
Thank you for taking the time to write this and tell it like it is! I’m an Ivy Leaguer for both undergrad and grad school who wholeheartedly homeschools my 10 and13 year-olds since first grade It was awesome to hear about you and your brother’s creative route as “drop outs” to follow your career visions.
No doubt it’s liberating to take full advantage of this country’s academic landscape which permits vast leverage for self-directed learners and un-schooled youth to excel in higher education. Loved the tips and video on DYI transcripts. I’m confident my boys will create those themselves should they choose the college admissions song & dance.
Cheers and best wishes!
So encouraging to hear this comment, Danielle! Glad someone else agrees to, haha! All the best.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m in the process of trying to decide if I should use an accredited program for my daughter’s high school years, as I have been an eclectic homeschooler since we started. She was 5 and is 14 now. May I asked why yall were considered drop outs instead of graduating homeschool early? And a high school diploma issued by the parent is still considered a valid diploma right? At least that’s what I was understanding this whole time? Thanks!
By drop-outs I mean I and my brother didn’t finish high school. Perhaps that’s not a good term for us (good pick-up) because, while we didn’t continue with high school, we just skipped straight into tertiary education without a high school diploma.
We had a Year 10 certificate which for me was good enough to do a nursing trade and then when I had the nursing trade diploma, I was able to go to college.
My younger brother just paid money to do University subjects, and when he did them up to a certain standard, they held he was able to go to college, and he entered a law degree that way.
My older brother did do a high school diploma and entered university as most schoolchildren do. Hope that clarifies things. God bless.