10 Best Online Homeschool Curriculum PICKS [2024]

Step into the world of modern homeschooling with a treasure trove of the top online homeschool curriculum options at your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooling pro or just starting your journey, this article is your guide to best online curriculums. From personalized mastery programs to captivating interactive lessons, we’ll uncover the best picks that cater to various grade levels and learning styles. Get ready to empower your child’s education and ignite a love for learning with these innovative solutions. Let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!

Rebbecca Devitt

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Keep in mind the unaccredited programs are far more affordable. But they’re also usually a little harder if you’re trying to work and homeschool at the same time.

Here are some of the curriculum programs we’ll discuss below:

  • BJU Press– open-and-go, fully accredited, pre-recorded lessons
  • Veritas Press– fully accredited LIVE Virtual lessons – free consultation here
  • Compass Classroom– unaccredited, affordable
  • Schoolhouse Teachers– unaccredited, huge range, covers all kids and grades, affordable!
  • Monarch –  unaccredited entirely online, video and text lessons
  • Time4Learning– secular, animated, broad curriculum
  • Power Homeschool – Acellus unaccredited version
  • Abeka Academy – well-known and fully accredited with pre-recorded lessons
  • Ignite Christian Academy– online school with tutors
  • Miacademy– online virtual accredited school
  • ABCMouse – for preschool and elementary only

Let’s get to it!

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Our Top Picks for Best Online Homeschool Curriculum

Below are my top picks for the best online programs for homeschooling.

BJU Press

BJU Press offers a fully accredited online homeschool curriculum.

I’m a big fan of BJU Press because it’s open-and-go, teaching great character values alongside its biblical worldview curriculum.

BJU Press is also very popular among Christian homeschooling families, often getting 5-star reviews from buyers on Amazon and other outlets.

The program has a strong biblical worldview, so parents can rest assured that their children will gain a good understanding of the gospel and the Bible.

BJU Press realizes learning can get quite boring, so they try to incorporate lots of hands-on learning in their lessons.

Online teachers are also very engaging, and I often sit down and learn alongside my child!

This program will give you a high school diploma at the end of completion.

  • Price: $699 for a full-grade kit. $100-350 for individual courses.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional/Textbook Learning
  • Teaching Style: Video, eBooks, and textbooks. Spiral and Mastery-Based Learning.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian
  • Accreditation: Yes, offered through The Academy of Home Education
BJU Press video teachers are fun and present the teacher-led video lessons in a hands-on engaging way. We love this homeschool program!
I’ve met the people at BJU Press myself, and they are just lovely.

Ignite Christian Academy

Ignite Christian Academy (ICA) is a fully accredited online school by Alpha Omega Publications.

If you’re a mom who wants a completely online school with tutor help (that is, hands-off for parents), ICA is perfect.

This Christian program will give students a high school diploma on completion, making the parents’ job easier.

However, it is significantly more expensive than an accredited BJU Press curriculum because ICA has tutors.

So, if you can help a little with lessons, BJU Press is better.

If you can’t (for example, homeschooling and working full-time), ICA might be better.

  • Price: $3,000 for a full grade.
  • Grades: K – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional/Textbook Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Video, eBooks, tutors, and textbooks.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: Yes.

Ignite Christian Academy is a Christian program with tutors. It's expensive compared to something without tutors but is a good option if you're a working homeschool parent.

Compass Classroom

Compass Classroom is growing massively in popularity.

It offers an online homeschool curriculum that uses the two most popular homeschool methods, classical and Charlotte Mason. 

This curriculum is written by homeschooled parents for homeschooled families (which makes it different from many others!). They aim to make teaching easier by creating video lessons that are educational and entertaining!

Compass Classroom also offers support services for parents, such as advice from trained educators and consultants.

The great thing about Compass Classroom is that you can try out their lessons for 30 days free.

They are also one of the most affordable homeschool curriculum programs on the market today, so look at what they offer.

A subscription also gives families access to all courses.

  • Price: Starting at $45/month (or currently 500/year – one-month free trial here).
  • Grades: middle to high school grades.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Classical/Charlotte Mason.
  • Teaching Style: Text, video lessons, short movies.
  • Religious viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: No.

Learn more about Compass Classroom here!Compass Classroom offers unaccredited online homeschool curriculum for middle and high schoolers.

Veritas Press (Free Consultation here)

Veritas Press is an online private school curriculum that also offers mailable textbooks.

It is a fully accredited Christian program modeled on the Classical method.

They supply grammar and secondary-stage materials.

In addition, they offer live online courses for the above stages.

If your child needs an accredited high school diploma, this is a great option as everything is very easy to manage.

If you don’t like the live version, there are also self-paced options.

Similar classical home education programs like this one include Memoria Press and Classical Conversations.

  • Price: Live online grammar courses start at $649. Live online secondary courses start at $749. Self-paced courses start at $199.
  • Grades: Grammar: K-6th grade, Secondary: 7th-12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Classical Education.
  • Teaching Style: Live online classes with a few self-paced courses.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: Yes.

Veritas also offers one of the best online grammar curriculum homeschool programs today. 

Also, you can get a free consultation with them here to see if this is the right program for you.Veritas Press offers self-paced courses, LIVE Online classes for homeschoolers and more.

ABC Mouse

ABC is a secular online preschool and elementary curriculum program that offers educational games, books, puzzles, and songs.

Although not accredited, ABCmouse.com’s curriculum introduces numbers, addition and subtraction, shapes, patterns, measurements, and more.

The program’s games and creative activities aim to make math enjoyable while providing young learners with essential practice to establish a solid foundation for success.

  • Price: $13/month.
  • Grades: Ages 2-8 (Grades PreK to 3).
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional.
  • Teaching Style: Animations, quizzes, games.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: No.

Check out ABC Mouse here.

ABC Mouse offers online classes for homeschoolers for preschool and elementary years. They're secular.

Schoolhouse Teachers

Schoolhouse Teachers is one of the top homeschool choices for large families.

It’s an unaccredited, affordable Christian program for all children and grades.

They offer all their material online, but a lot is printable, and parents will need to help children with the curriculum a little.

A lot of the courses are pretty open-and-go.

There’s also chat and phone support.

Children can complete the course online if they wish.

Schoolhouse Teachers offer hundreds of different courses for the same affordable subscription.

(Check out Schoolhouse Teachers courses here.)

Students can study whatever they like, so long as they have a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse.

A subscription also gives families access to resources to transition effortlessly to college.

There’s also info for parents on how they can homeschool better!

  • Price: Starting at $22.97-29.97/month (or $209-269 per year)
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional/Textbook Learning (also all methods in various parts).
  • Teaching Style: Text, video, or eBook with self-paced learning.
  • Religious viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: No.

Monarch (Homeschool Program Online by Alpha Omega Publications)

The Monarch curriculum is a program by Alpha Omega Publications (like Horizons, Life Pac, and Switched-on-Schoolhouse).

It is a copy of the material in Switched-on-Schoolhouse (their now defunct computer-based course).

However, the syllabus is delivered via an online subscription, in contrast to SOS, which delivered its material over USB/offline.

  • Price: $39.95/month
  • Grades: 3rd-12th grade
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning
  • Teaching Style: Video, audio files, games, and interactive exercises for self-paced learning.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian
  • Accreditation: No

Time4Learning offers an accredited virtual school or online homeschool curriculum.Time 4 Learning

Time4Learning is a popular secular online homeschooling curriculum covering PreK to Year 12.

It engages children by switching to different teaching methods to increase interest in subjects.

Because the creators also focus on short lessons, they don’t make students sit through long-winded discussions.

This makes Time4Learning particularly suited to students with a short attention span.

It’s also a great homeschool curriculum for Autism or Asperger’s.

A similar program to this one is Acellus Academy (that is, it is also secular).

  • Price: PreK – 8th grade: $29.95/month, 9th-12th grade: $39.95/month.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Video lessons, printable worksheets, quizzes, and tests. Self-paced.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: No.

Easy Peasy is a free homeschool curriculum that is printable.

Easy Peasy All-in-One

Easy Peasy is an unaccredited, online, free Christian curriculum.

The material is printed, but children can complete the course online.

It directs parents to many online resources to complete lessons.

Facebook groups are available so parents can ask questions and get help when needed.

It’s the most popular free homeschooling program available today.

  • Price: Free
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Eclectic
  • Teaching Style: Eclectic – a mixture of books, games, activities, and videos.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian
  • Accreditation: No

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free online homeschool curriculum.

And it’s probably the best secular, free program available today.

Khan Academy’s tracking feature monitors student progress as they complete lessons and courses. 

I have used some of the videos from this site and found them both exciting and educational. 

Khan Academy is another free program you can use if you are wanting more online lessons for homeschoolers.

However, like many secular curricula, it does not have a Christian worldview or values, which may not be suitable for some parents.

  • Price: Free.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional.
  • Teaching Style: Video lessons and online lessons.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: No.

Power Homeschool is an online homeschool program that is secular. It is not fully accredited like Acellus Academy.Power Homeschool (Acellus)

Power Homeschool is the homeschooling version of Acellus.

The program provides Acellus courses to students with the homeschooling parent as the teacher.

Teachers teach these courses online using Prism Diagnostics.

These diagnostics work to identify a student’s educational weak points and target these for work.

This means children aren’t doing busy work but actively working on concepts they’re struggling with.

This helps students fill in holes in their knowledge.

Please note that this program is a secular homeschooling curriculum.

  • Price: $25/month (or $250 per year).
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Traditional Learning.
  • Religious viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: They offer accreditation through their other program, Acellus.

True North Homeschool Academy has small class sizes, tutor help, peer interaction and an engaging teaching method.

True North Homeschool Academy

True North is a very expensive homeschool curriculum.

But why is it so expensive?

TN is an online virtual curriculum.

Lessons happen in small groups of 3 or 4 children, so they learn more with tutors.

This program, which approaches learning from a Judeo-Christian perspective, is made by homeschoolers for homeschoolers.

Children learn a lot using an eclectic method particularly suited to the homeschool environment.

  • Price: $3,000-3,500/year (varies greatly). Or buy courses separately.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Traditional Learning.
  • Religious viewpoint: Judeo-Christian perspective.
  • Accreditation: They offer accreditation through their other program, Acellus.

Memoria Press' online homeschool program can be accredited or unaccredited.

Memoria Press

Memoria Press is a classical homeschool curriculum that offers accredited and unaccredited options.

They’re known for their wonderful Latin curriculum and their rigorous teaching of the classical method in all courses.

This program is written from a Christian perspective, accepted by Protestants and Catholics alike.

  • Price: from $1,100-2,200/year (varies greatly). Or buy courses separately.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Traditional Learning.
  • Religious viewpoint: Judeo-Christian perspective.
  • Accreditation: They offer accreditation through their other program, Acellus.

Mater Amabilis (Catholic)Screenshot of Mater Amabilis webpage

Mater Amabilis is a Charlotte Mason-style program for Catholics.

It is a free online homeschooling curriculum.

Mater Amabilis uses a structured approach, aiming to ‘follow the methodology set out in Charlotte Mason’s own writings as closely as possible.

Children follow a set, formal course of study, using a highly efficient method which allows children to cover a broad range of subjects in the course of a short school day.’

This program has some free links to suggested resources.

However, most links refer parents to buy books from Amazon as is the case with many CM curricula.

Other Charlotte Mason curriculum packages like Mater Amabilis include Simply Charlotte Mason, Ambleside Online, and A Gentle Feast.

  • Price: Free.
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Charlotte Mason.
  • Teaching Style: Reading, copywork, and time spent outdoors.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Catholic.
  • Accreditation: No.Miacademy is quite animated.


MiAcademy is a top pick for a secular online school curriculum as it teaches in a fun, virtual environment.

They offer a self-paced, mastery-based online curriculum catering to Kindergarten to 8th-grade students.

The platform’s flexibility allows families to tailor the curriculum to individual learning needs, making it an excellent fit for homeschooling.

MiAcademy provides lots of elective courses and emphasizes student independence.

They encourage learners to take ownership of their learning journey, fostering a love for learning in a supportive digital environment.

  • Price: Starts at $36/month but varies hugely!
  • Grades: Kindergarten to 8th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Mastery-Based Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Video lessons, online text & graphics, and interactive activities for self-paced learning.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: Yes.

Abeka Academy is thier fully accredited online homeschool program.

Abeka Academy

Abeka offers two options.

Their accredited Abeka Academy (more expensive) and unaccredited Abeka homeschool curriculum.

This program is often compared with BJU Press as it offers blended learning options with teacher-led online video lessons.

Abeka, like BJU Press, is very popular and has existed for many years.

It’s fairly traditional but also quite rigorous compared to public school.

They offer a curriculum that’s used in many private Christian schools.

  • Price: $1074 for Grades 1-6 and $1365 for Grades 7-12.
  • Grades: PreK-12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Spiral and Mastery-Based Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Video lessons, online text & graphics, and interactive activities for self-paced learning.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular.
  • Accreditation: Yes.

screenshot of A Gentle Feast webpage

A Gentle Feast

A Gentle Feast is a Christian Charlotte Mason homeschooling curriculum that encourages habit training, gentle learning, and a love of reading.

It offers lifetime access for home educators.

The curriculum is a structured approach where parents choose a 4-year history cycle (i.e., it repeats at the end of 4 years).

Parents can then choose whether they want:

  1. an online bundle,
  2. an online plus printed teacher resource manual or
  3. option (2) plus additional printed resources.

You can add on history, language arts, and the morning-time bundle.

Different options make the program more affordable for families with a single income.

  • Price: Starts at $89.00.
  • Grades: 1st – 12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Charlotte Mason.
  • Teaching Style: Reading, copywork, and time spent outdoors.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: No.

screenshot of apologia webpage. One of the best online homeschool curriculum packagesApologia Curriculum

The Apologia Curriculum is a complete Christian homeschooling program that presents award-winning Science and Biblical Worldview courses.

The creators of Apologia aim to give students the confidence to present their scientific worldview in a biblically accurate way.

Apologia textbooks are written in a conversational style, making them easy to read. This also means students can easily navigate the curriculum themselves.

  • Price: Self-paced courses: $199 per course; LIVE online classes: $588 per course; video (on-demand) courses: $159 per course.
  • Grades: 7th-12th grade.
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Traditional Learning.
  • Teaching Style: Self-paced courses, live online classes, or video-on-demand courses.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Christian.
  • Accreditation: No.


Outschool lets children explore their interests using online classes and camps.

Students between 3 and 18 years old join classes with passionate teachers and learn about things that have piqued their interest.

Outschool teaches children the basics but also seems to specialize in teaching things that are usually extra-curricular interests, such as coding or music. Therefore, if your curriculum doesn’t offer these things, you can see if Outschool has them.

Some classes Outschool teaches are:

  • statistics – in Math
  • sewing – in Life Skills
  • cooking – in Life Skills
  • financial skills – in Life Skills
  • zoology – in Science and Nature
  • emotions – in Health and Wellness
  • marine biology – in Science and Nature
  • robotics and coding – in Coding and Tech
  • American Sign Language – in World Languages

And that’s just a small fraction of the 140,000+ courses they have available.

This could be a great program that might encourage your children to think about what they want to be when they grow up, or what type of entrepreneur they want to be.

  • Price: Prices vary from $6-$40 depending on the class
  • Grades: PreK – 12th grade
  • Homeschool Philosophy: Eclectic
  • Teaching Style: Live video classes with additional work done outside of class.
  • Religious Viewpoint: Secular
  • Accreditation: No

Want a more hands-off curriculum? Look at online homeschool curriculum. Including best picks from accredited, video-based, LIVE lessons and virtual, interactive online schools and public school programs.K12

If you’re looking for an online public school education, K12 has you covered.

K12 is a free curriculum for Americans because it is publicly funded. 

This means you don’t have to pay a cent…if you’re a United States citizen.

If you live elsewhere, you’ll have to pay for this program.

 K12 is a secular program (just like all public schools in America and Australia).

This public school curriculum gives an engaging experience for homeschoolers by utilizing animations and fun visuals.

There’s tutoring help if needed. And it’s one-on-one, which is excellent. 

K12 will also give you an accredited high school diploma at the end of your studies, making the homeschool-to-college transition easier.

If I’m honest, parents often homeschool to escape the public school curriculum.

The social studies curriculums are sometimes…unusual.

But you can look at this program if you’re not in that boat.

If interested, you can look at it here

Online school options come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes these are called online homeschool curriculum. Schools are accredited, while unaccredited providers offer homeschool curriculum (usually a lot cheaper!).The Bottom Line

Online homeschooling programs are a great choice to reduce the paper mess around your home. They’re also a good pick if you don’t have enough time to homeschool the children. You can get video lessons, LIVE, teacher-led lessons, and students can also interact with their peers. There’s a lot to love. So why not check out the options above a little more.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

Articles: 346

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