Watch this short video
about the HPP and Enroll HERE

Worrying About Your Child’s Future? Public School Stats Show It’s Justified.
Public Schools are in Decline: Alarming Stats Show Failure:
- 30% of students don’t graduate,
- 70% dropout rate in cities.
- 2 in 3 students can’t read proficiently.
- 20% report bullying and more go unreported.
- 50% of teachers face burnout.
- 55% of students feel unprepared for life after school.
Shocking stats keep piling up.
Public schools are unsafe, toxic environments where kids are taught obedience instead of critical thinking.
Students sometimes experience:
- violence,
- dull classrooms, and
- nutritionally poor food.
Some public schools are no more than glorified prisons.
Don’t risk your child’s future by sending them there.
Thankfully You Don’t Have To.
There’s A Great Solution… Homeschooling.
Did you know that 69% of homeschooled students are successful in both college and
They’re far more likely to become a lawyer, doctor, or successful entrepreneur .
Homeschooling delivers numerous benefits for your child, including:
- You control what they learn:
No more public school propaganda or mediocrity. Teach Biblical values, independent thinking, and truth. - Safe, nurturing learning environment.
Peace of mind knowing your child is free of negative and dangerous influences. - No more busy work.
No propaganda or mediocrity. You’ll have the freedom to teach the gospel, independent thinking, and the truth about the world. - More family time.
Flexibility to go on vacations, field trips, and enjoy fun activities. - Better college preparedness.
Homeschooled students tend to have higher GPAs, opening doors to desired colleges and fulfilling careers. - Kids learn about their interests.
Children will have time to explore topics they are passionate about. They’ll gladly teach themselves because they love learning! - They can actually ask questions about what they’re learning.
Homeschooling allows for deepened understanding, as opposed to being limited by the time constraints and large class sizes in public schools.
This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg.
Say goodbye to public school issues: bullying, political agenda, standardized tests, and a one-size-fits-all approach. Homeschooling offers a better education.
If you want to give your child with the best possible education, then homeschooling is what your child needs.
“But Homeschooling Just Isn’t For Me”
I know what you’re probably thinking:
- I’m not a teacher; how could I possibly teach my child any of the subjects he needs to know?
- My child will be completely unsocialized. How is she supposed to make friends if she is always home?
- What’s the best homeschool curriculum for my child?
- Can I handle homeschooling with my already busy schedule?
- I’m overwhelmed by all this information and don’t know where to start!

Homeschool Parenting Program Footage: Lesson #2
I completely understand how you feel.
It can be daunting to figure out homeschooling on your own.
The task of determining the right curriculum can be frustrating.
But Don’t Face This Alone
Hi, my name is Rebecca.
And if you feel overwhelmed or struggle with homeschooling, I can help by providing you with a clear path to follow.
As a homeschool mom and with the experience of being homeschooled myself, I have a deep understanding of what works and doesn’t work in homeschooling.

My homeschooled children doing a mathematics
homeschool course with BJU Press.

My homeschool mother and I

My homeschool father
Starting homeschooling can be challenging and confusing, but I’ll help…
Remember, Homeschooling Without A Plan Can Be Confusing
If you’ve ever tried to drive somewhere unfamiliar without using your GPS, then you know how frustrating that can be.
There’s nothing worse than turning down the wrong road, getting lost, having to stop and ask for directions, or having someone nagging you about being lost in the first place.
It quickly gets pretty stressful.
The same is true with homeschooling.
Without a clear roadmap of what to do and what steps to take, you’ll end up frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, and ready to say “Homeschooling is just not for me.”
That’s Why I’ve Created the
Homeschool Parenting Program

HPP is a detailed course that outlines every step you need to take to become a confident homeschool parent.
It has over 200 minutes of engaging, easy-to-digest videos that break down every aspect of homeschooling.
Nothing is left out of this one-of-a-kind course.
It’s perfectly designed to take you from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed to having a game plan and feeling confident about homeschooling your kids.
Here’s What You’ll Learn…
01 | The 7 most common homeschool methods, and which is best for you (understanding this is crucial). |
02 | The best way to decide which curriculum to use (regardless of your budget). |
03 | Exactly what you need to do (and NOT do) to avoid burnout. This is worth the price of the course alone. |
04 | How to best set up your homeschool room to minimize distractions. You’ll be amazed at how well your kids stay focused. |
05 | The 4 most common learning styles. Believe me, your kids will thank you for understanding this. |
06 | The absolute best way to test your children (say goodbye to test anxiety). |
07 | One thing you need to do prior to starting homeschool. Get this wrong, and you set yourself (and your kid) up for failure. |
08 | Plus much more… |
The Homeschool Parenting Program
Is A Perfect Fit If You…

- Feel completely overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start.
- Are so frustrated with trying to homeschool that you’re ready to give up.
- Have no idea if you can teach your kids and feel like you’re not qualified enough.
- Want clear, easy-to-follow steps to help create a thriving homeschool environment for your children.
- Need helpful tools and ideas to make your homeschool experience more enjoyable and fun
- Want to develop kids who love to learn and actually look forward to the lessons every day
- Have a desire to give your kids a better, more fulfilling education that will set them up for huge success later in life.
You’ll Become A Homeschooling Pro With This Course,
But Don’t Take My Word For It…
Take a look at what others have said after completing HPP:

– Jemma
This is an excellent course and covers a diverse range of subjects with a lot of food for thought for new homeschool parents. The videos are easy to understand and comprehend and VERY entertaining, and Rebecca has a lovely presence on camera! It is definitely worth the price.
Jesse –
Rebecca’s enthusiasm and passion are evident and infectious. She’s clear and articulate, and the course’s pace is very fast. The resource documents are gorgeous.

– Diana
“My favorite part about your videos is they are EXTREMELY informative short, and sweet… not many of us homeschool mums want to click on a video and listen to 20min plus videos, so thank you. You have helped me in our journey so much.”
Here’s exactly what you’ll get access to:
12 modules of over 42 lessons designed to turn you into a homeschooling pro. Get the confidence you need to teach your kids and leave the overwhelming stressed-out feelings behind.
A beautifully designed course workbook that allows you to take notes and gives you even more insight into the video content.
Big Bonus: Printouts that help you –
Save Big On Time And Money
You’ll be able to save countless hours of research because everything you need to know about homeschooling your kid is easily accessible inside this course.
And you won’t waste hundreds of dollars trying to find the perfect curriculum for your kids. You’ll have the tools to figure out how your little ones learn best.
So What’s It Worth To You?
Just think for a second how much stress and frustration you get to avoid with the Homeschool Parenting Program.
So, let me ask you a question: What’s it worth to you to avoid all the frustration and wasted money?
Instead of wasting a bunch of time and money trying to figure it out on your own, you’ll be able to create a homeschool environment that both you and your kids will love.
With all the valuable content and tools
available in this course, $147 is a fair price.
But Here’s The Good News
you won’t have to pay that price today. In fact, you won’t even have to pay close to that amount.
But before I get to the price, I want to share two more remarkable things about the course that sets it apart from any other homeschool course out there:
You can message Rebecca and ask her any questions you have.
With the Homeschool Parenting Program, you’ll have direct access to Rebecca, a seasoned homeschooler with years of experience and knowledge.
Don’t waste your time sifting through endless resources and trying to figure out everything on your own.
Simply email or message Rebecca with any questions you may have about homeschooling and she’ll provide you with personalized advice and support.
(You usually have to pay an extra $100 for this type of access.)

Big Bonus: You get lifetime access to the course.
Lifetime access means you won’t have to pay anything else for this course, no matter how many times it gets updated.
You get instant access to all the future updates, resources, and lessons added to the course.
So How Much Does It Cost?

For a limited time,
you gain access to the Homeschool Parenting Program
for only $67.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Here is everything you get once more
as soon as you order:
All this for an unbelievable one-time
price of $67.
That’s about how much it costs to go out to eat a couple of times.
So instead of throwing your money away on a couple of meals, invest it into your child’s future.
Don’t pass up your opportunity to get the Homeschool
Parenting Program at this introductory price.
Since I continually add more lessons and resources to this course, the price will continually go up.
So you need to pull the trigger on this incredible deal today to lock in the low price of $67, which includes all future updates.
Check Out What These Mom’s Said About The Course

Thank you so much for explaining thoroughly what classical education is and all it entails. I’ve been afraid to teach my children this way simply because I’ve never really understood classical education and the importance and necessity of the trivium. Thank you also for mentioning the importance of learning Latin. I am inspired to learn this language myself!
– Martina
I love your videos. You are filled with joyful emotions, and your videos are so much fun to watch. – Arvan
Thanks so much for this! I’m just about to take our children out of school (8 and 7) and i’m very apprehensive. This has been hugely helpful though so thank you ever so much! – Rebecca
If You’re Still On The Fence, Try The Homeschool Parenting
Program 100% Risk-Free…
If you’re still unsure if this course can help you, I’ll take on all the risk with a no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee.
If you still feel overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to start after watching this step-by-step course, I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
If this course doesn’t help you become a homeschooling pro and give you confidence teaching your kids, I’ll gladly refund you 100% of the purchase price.
In Other Words, You Have Nothing To Lose With HPP…
Today you can start your journey to getting your kids out of the mediocrity of public school and into the greatest learning environment there is: your home.
Ready to start your homeschool journey?
See you on the inside,