Generations Homeschool Curriculum Review 2024 [MUST-READ]

I use the Generations homeschool curriculum with my own children. I love this program because it is gospel-centered, has a focus on missions, and encourages children to always look to the Bible as their main textbook. I’ve never seen another program like this. To add to that, Generations is very affordable, and they offer free shipping for orders over $200. There’s a big focus on family discipleship and parents getting involved in being a godly example. But there’s a lot more to it, too, so take a look at the details below with me. 

Rebbecca Devitt

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We will do an in-depth review of this program before looking at other Generations homeschool curriculum reviews from YouTube and across the web.

Let’s take a look.

What is the Generations Homeschool Curriculum?

The Generations homeschool curriculum is an all-in-one Christian homeschooling program.

It offers all grades and almost all subjects (it’s still designing some of its math year offerings).

The main goal of this program is to prepare children to follow Christ in an anti-Christian world.

As the name suggests, the curriculum’s goal is to lead children into the next generation with a strong faith in Jesus.

The curriculum rejects the idea of education being worldview-neutral. (In fact, in the curriculum we’ve studied, it hits many of these issues head-on and works through this misconception!)

Instead, the program wants parents to invest in discipling their children.

Four Key Pillars

The four key pillars in the Generations curriculum emphasize:

  1. Family Discipleship,
  2. Biblical Worldview,
  3. Best Teachers & Best Books, and
  4. Worship and Life Application.

These pillars help guide parents in teaching their children holistically and applying God’s truth to every aspect of their lives.

Core Subjects

This program has a number of core subjects. These are:

  • Bible and Family Discipleship,
  • History,
  • Literature,
  • Worldview & Science, and
  • Christian Character.

This encourages children to live out their faith in their daily lives.

The Generations homeschool curriculum fosters family involvement in the learning process.

 Does the Generations  Curriculum Cover All Grades?

Generations cover all grades except Preschool and Kindergarten.

You can look at specific grades below:

Check out their website above for more information.

 Does the Generations Homeschool Curriculum Cover All Subjects?

The Generations with Vision program is quite new, so while it does cover all grades in an open-and-go homeschool curriculum manner, they haven’t yet made material for all subjects.
The subjects they currently offer are:

These subjects are not available for all grades but are being developed as this is a fairly new curriculum.

Generations History Curriculum

Generations History is a subject that presents history from a Christ-centered perspective.

Children will see God’s hand in shaping world events and spreading Christ’s Kingdom throughout ‘secular’ and Christian history.

By joining secular and ecclesiastical history, children start to understand God’s hand working in our world over time.

It then becomes easier for children to see their own role in God’s world and timeline.

Generations Science

The Generations homeschool curriculum presents science very differently to most other homeschool curriculum programs.

Their science component is an integral part of the Generations curriculum everywhere – not just in the science subject!

The curriculum presents a radically God-centered approach.

It’s a creationist curriculum, and so it rejects the secular, materialistic worldview.

It shows how faith and reason can work together wonderfully.

I  also love how it incorporates scripture into all the lessons. Generations Science shows just how relevant God’s word is to understanding our natural world. 

It encourages students to see science as an opportunity to study God’s wonders and worship and praise him.

There’s also a big focus on practical life application of scientific concepts.

This makes learning exciting and relevant to daily life.

Pros and Cons of the Generations Homeschool Curriculum

Using Generations curriculum reviews from across the web, I’ve compiled a list of the pros and cons of this course.

Pros of the Generations with Vision Curriculum

  • Affordable – you get way more than what you pay for
  • Bright colors and fun and engaging graphics
  • Simplicity
  • Theologically accurate and rich course!
  • Short but rich lessons
  • Hands-on program

Cons of the Generations with Vision Curriculum

  • Very biblical and theologically focused, which won’t suit all families (also a pro, depending on how you look at it)
  • Quite rigorous, which won’t suit all children (also a pro )
  • Very literature heavy (also a pro)
  • Hard to figure out the Generations educational method…maybe it is its own ‘thing’

What Denomination is Generations Closest To?

Two Generations curriculum reviews said this program is probably one of the best Calvinist homeschool curriculum programs they’ve seen.

This is consistent with Kevin Swanson’s perspective.

It is a very Reformed Christian denominational perspective.

Although I’m pretty sure Kevin Swanson would just say this is a biblical homeschool curriculum.

Generations Kevin Swanson

Generations is a ministry program by Kevin Swanson to pass on the Christian faith of parents to their children through discipling kids.

It started with his radio program podcast and has expanded to include the Generations Kevin Swanson curriculum, which includes some of Swanson’s books.

Kevin Swanson’s Three Books

Kevin has also written three popular books about disciplining your children:

I’ve personally read Kevin’s books, and they’re very engaging.

How Much Does Generations Homeschool Curriculum Cost?

Generations Homeschool Curriculum offers a mailable homeschool program at an impressively affordable price range.

They start from $150 and go up to $250 for the most expensive option.

For instance, as of 26th April, 2024 prices are:

  • Full Grade 1 Package – $572
    • Basic Grade 1 Package (without Math) – $510
  • Grade 5 Progran (no Math currently) – $355
  • 12th Grade (no Math currently) – $381

This program always gets really amazing reviews and has taken the homeschool world by storm!

Five star reviews of their Grade 5 program
Generations gets glowing homeschool reviews wherever I see it mentioned!

Affordability of Generations

Considering that the curriculum is delivered by mail, this cost is exceptionally low, especially compared to other homeschooling options.

Despite its affordability, Generations maintains excellent quality, making it a remarkable choice for homeschooling families.

The price tag is incredibly budget-friendly, and for a mailable program, it is undeniably a fantastic bargain.

How Much Parental Involvement is Needed?

If you’re thinking you’ll have to sit by your kids for hours everyday with this program, you’d be wrong.

Your involvement as a parent can be flexible.

Sure, younger children may need more time and help from parents.

But, the curriculum is made for multi-grade teaching, reducing the overall time commitment of parents.

As children grow older, they can take on more of the curriculum independently (without you reading it to them).

This not only saves parents time but also helps develop their children’s self-learning skills.

Kids can check their own work themselves with the answer keys that are provided.

That said…

Parent involvement is strongly encouraged.

This is for a number or reasons:

  1. to guide children in how to think critically,
  2. ask relevant questions,
  3. seek wisdom from God, and
  4. discern ideas based on Scripture.

Having parents involved goes along with what God teaches us is important in Deuteronomy 6:7.

Generations Homeschool Curriculum review. Here we learn about the pros and cons of this program, we compare it with other curriculum, then take a look at it's features and benefits.

Can I Use Generations Homeschool Curriculum for Multiple Ages?

Yes, you can easily use Generations homeschool curriculum for multiple ages.

If you have a child in Grade 2, you can teach them with a curriculum for a few years older or younger (depending on the child[ren]).

This approach is particularly beneficial for families with multiple children because they can teach them simultaneously.

Parents need to customize the learning experience based on each child’s needs and abilities.

While some subjects might be taught together, others can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of each age group.

What Course Do I Choose if Teaching Multiple Grades?

Choose a course that is advanced enough to keep your oldest children engaged.

If you read aloud, younger children can still benefit from the material.

The curriculum store offers PDF samples of each course, allowing you to determine the difficulty level and find the best fit for your multi-age homeschooling needs.

Generations Curriculum review. Compare this program with other conservative, reformed, Baptist curricula.Does the Generations Curriculum Come with Exams or Testing?

No, Generations Homeschool Curriculum does not include traditional exams or testing.

But, they have a good reason for it.

The curriculum focuses on mastery-based learning and real-world application. It only uses:

  • assignments,
  • projects, and
  • hands-on activities for assessment.

The creators of the curriculum encourage parents to review their child’s work and provide feedback to gauge progress and understanding.

This does a better job of fostering critical thinking skills rather than relying on standardized testing.

Updates and Revisions to the Generations Curriculum

Generations homeschool curriculum likes to make lots of updates.

This is important especially because they’re a new curriculum that’s receiving feedback as they go.

For their Literature curriculum, they typically make yearly updates as needed.

These updates are incremental improvements, which may include adding new assignments or addressing minor issues like typos.

Other Curriculum Programs vs Generations

Generations is sometimes compared with other homeschool programs.

Here are two programs they tend to be compared to often.

Masterbooks vs Generations

Both curricula are very solid in a reformed biblical worldview.

Both have a very strong focus on teaching character.

Masterbooks seems to be eclectic, with more of a focus on an easy Charlotte Mason homeschool approach.

Generations don’t claim to follow any education method but rather a Biblical method. But Generations seems to be a very literature-based homeschool curriculum.

Masterbooks is also very much based on literature and will have a lot of overlap with Generations.

However, Masterbooks sounds less rigorous, while Generations is more rigorous.

They both have short lessons.

Check out a Masterbooks review here.

BJU Press vs Generations

BJU Press and Generations are both solid conservative homeschool curriculum programs.

BJU Press tends to be more traditional, while Generations seems a little more eclectic, focusing on teaching through literature, especially biblical texts and the Bible.

Generations has no video lessons. BJU Press offers it for every subject.

Generations is slightly affordable; BJU Press is very affordable for video lessons and pretty close in price for some of the courses.

With Generations, you can teach all your kids at once, while BJU Press is only for individual grades.

BJU Press has accredited and unaccredited options (essentially, it will be an online school).

The Generations program is unaccredited (as is all homeschool curriculum).

Generations strongly emphasize character training, and it is quite heavily based on the Bible.

BJU Press also has a strong biblical worldview but less of a focus on character training specifically.

Check out a BJU Press curriculum review here.

Schoolhouse Teachers vs Generations

Generations offers a mailable curriculum with a biblical worldview, incorporating hands-on activities and real-world application.

It allows for multi-grade teaching and can be adapted for independent learning as children age.

Parental involvement is encouraged, emphasizing teaching children how to think and seek wisdom.

In contrast, Schoolhouse Teachers provides an online platform with a wide range of courses taught by experienced educators, covering various subjects and grade levels.

The online format offers self-paced learning and interactive content.

Generations focus on faith-based learning and active engagement, while Schoolhouse Teachers provide diversity in subject choices written by over 200 curriculum writers.

The choice between the two depends on individual preferences and the family’s learning style.

Both are affordable homeschool programs, although Schoolhouse is a lot cheaper, especially if you need a curriculum for your whole family.

Schoolhouse Teachers also have much more content and many more (a HUGE range) electives.

Check out a review of the Schooolhouse Teachers curriculum review here.

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If you’re eager to learn more about homeschooling and are new to this whole home education thing, visit my YouTube channel, where a treasure trove of homeschooling wisdom awaits.

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For those wanting an engaging guide to homeschooling, look no further than my Homeschool Parenting Program.

This online course will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence to navigate the exhilarating world of homeschooling like a seasoned pro.

Enroll today and unlock the door to extraordinary educational possibilities.

Conclusion on the Generations Curriculum

Over the last year, I’ve used Generations with my children. I love their focus on mission and incorporating the Bible into every facet of life! No other curriculum I’ve seen does this so thoroughly. Some parents might find this overwhelming. But, many of the solid Christian friends I have found this is exactly what they want and are looking for in a biblical homeschool curriculum. If you want something that’s gospel-centered, reformed, and something that encourages family discipleship, this is your program! Buy the Generations curriculum here.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

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