Heart of Dakota, a beloved homeschool curriculum, has naturally earned a dedicated following with its unique blend of features and philosophy. Spanning from preschool to high school, this curriculum is rooted in the Charlotte Mason style, offering open-and-go daily plans, captivating living books, and hands-on activities. Infused with a Christian foundation, it emphasizes character development alongside academic learning. This curriculum has undeniably become a go-to choice for families seeking a holistic and engaging homeschooling journey.
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Join us as we explore the reasons behind the love and occasional debates surrounding Heart of Dakota in this comprehensive review.
Let’s get started.
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What is the Heart of Dakota Homeschool Curriculum?
Heart of Dakota is a Christian homeschool curriculum designed for Preschool through high school.
It follows the Charlotte Mason style, using:
- living books,
- hands-on activities, and
- a Christian foundation.
The program offers open-and-go plans with a unique color-coded system for easy use.
Known for its slightly more rigorous approach, Heart of Dakota combines challenging activities with unit studies.
Some appreciate its immersive approach and Christian values, while others find it demanding.
This review will objectively explore both the strengths and weaknesses, providing insights into the diverse opinions about Heart of Dakota.
Features of Heart of Dakota
Heart of Dakota offers a number of things I like:
- Educational and Christ-centered: Blends educational excellence with a Christ-centered focus, integrating biblical content into character training and worldview development.
- Open-and-Go Daily Plans: Provides time-saving daily plans in a Teacher’s Guide for a user-friendly experience, with subjects rotated for a well-rounded education.
- Time-Conscious School Days: Minimal planning allows for shorter school days, offering time for children to explore personal interests and hobbies.
- Quality Living Books: Carefully chosen living books replace overwhelming reading lists, encouraging students to savor engaging content over an extended period.
- Choice of Resources: Offers various resources for customization and meeting individual family needs.
- Lessons for Various Learning Styles: Programs cater to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, fostering a love for learning with a balanced approach.
- Skill Progression Leading to Independence: Emphasizes skills that progressively prepare children for the next level, fostering confident, self-sufficient learners through gradual transitions to independent work.
With time-conscious school days and various resource choices, Heart of Dakota caters to diverse learning styles, fostering a lasting love for learning.
Pros and Cons of Heart of Dakota
Heart of Dakota, like any curriculum, has its pros and cons, which helps us decide if this program will be a good fit for our families.
Here are some basic pros of using this homeschool curriculum.
- Open-and-Go Daily Plans: Heart of Dakota’s daily plans are ready-made, saving parents time on preparation and planning.
- Living Books Approach: The curriculum incorporates engaging living books, fostering a love for literature, history, science, and God’s Word.
- Hands-On Activities: Including hands-on activities adds a dynamic and interactive element to learning, appealing to various learning styles.
- Christian Foundation: Heart of Dakota strongly emphasizes God’s Word, integrating biblical teachings seamlessly into all subjects.
- Charlotte Mason Style: Drawing inspiration from the Charlotte Mason approach, the curriculum focuses on short lessons, narration, and exposure to the arts and nature.
- Family-Owned: Heart of Dakota is a family-owned business, reflecting a personal touch and commitment to homeschooling families.
- Unit Studies Flair: The unique unit studies flair provides students with a well-rounded and interconnected learning experience.
- Color-Coded System: The color-coded system helps parents identify where students can work independently and where assistance may be needed.
- Offline workbooks: With no video lessons, you can get your children screen-free for a more relaxing homeschool. (This is sometimes seen as a con, too, though!)
This program hits many high notes and will be the right choice for many families.
But Heart of Dakota might not be right for everyone. Let’s take a look at some potential cons of the curriculum.
- Not Accredited: Heart of Dakota lacks accreditation, which may be a consideration for some families seeking accredited programs.
- May Not Suit Every Learning Style: While the curriculum aims to cater to various learning styles, it might not fit every student.
- Hands-On Activities Might Not Suit Everyone: Families who prefer a more traditional or less hands-on approach may find the activities challenging.
- Requires Parental Involvement: The open-and-go nature of the curriculum still requires some parental involvement, which may be a consideration for busy families.
- Potential Cost Considerations: While not overly expensive, the cost of Heart of Dakota materials may be a factor for families on a tight budget.
Ultimately, you must weigh whether the pros outweigh the cons and whether this curriculum is right for your family.
It’s a Family Owned Business
Heart of Dakota is a family-owned curriculum that began over 20 years ago.
Started by Cindy and her sister Julie, the program expanded from a literature initiative to a complete curriculum for Preschool through high school.
The family’s journey, marked by challenges and blessings, reflects their dedication to serving homeschooling families.
From a small living room meeting to a thriving educational resource, Heart of Dakota is a testament to the family’s commitment to making homeschooling a shared adventure.
What is Their Educational Philosophy?
Heart of Dakota’s educational philosophy is built on over 30 years of experience, focusing on engaging students and making learning active.
Inspired by Charlotte Mason’s ideas, the curriculum uses short lessons and interesting ‘living books‘ and includes:
- poetry,
- music,
- art, and
- nature.
Here’s a quick review video of the CM method:
It’s unique because it offers guides for smaller age groups, not just one grade level.
The curriculum emphasizes building a love for Christ and learning, with biblical foundations woven into each guide.
God’s Word is central every day.
Heart of Dakota also uses captivating books to create enthusiasm for literature, history, science, and faith.
With a mix of a Christian view and Charlotte Mason principles, it aims to foster a love for Christ and learning while maintaining strong academics.
The goal is to provide families with a successful and God-honoring homeschool experience.
Approach to Different Subjects in HOD
Heat of Dakota has a unique approach to teaching subjects. You may be interested to see how they do it…