Looking for the right homeschool curriculum can be a daunting task, especially with so many programs to choose from. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. After extensive research, I’ve identified seven user-friendly options that require no prior experience or preparation.
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Not all of these curricula will be a perfect fit for your family, so I’m here to guide you through the categories they fall into and highlight popular homeschool curriculum choices, some of which I’ve used and adore.
Let’s get started!
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1. Traditional Homeschool Curriculum Options
Traditional homeschool programs, some of which offer accreditation, typically follow a more conventional approach to education.
While many may carry a reputation for being dull, there are hidden gems among them.
A standout example is BJU Press, a top-notch accredited homeschool curriculum that combines hands-on learning with digital resources.
With BJU Press, your child uses a blended approach. They study with physical textbooks and receive online video lessons, making it a convenient and colorful option that I currently use with my own kids.
Abeka, a program with a longstanding history, offers a similar approach to BJU Press. Although its video lessons are generally longer and pricier, Abeka is still an excellent choice.
2. Classical and Charlotte Mason Options
Homeschooling has allowed parents to explore alternative teaching methods beyond the traditional.
One such method is the Classical approach, which draws inspiration from ancient Greek learning techniques and incorporates more modern aspects.
This homeschooling method can require a more nuanced understanding of classical homeschool curriculum programs.
Then, there’s Charlotte Mason, a classically trained educator who introduced a gentler approach to education as an alternative to the rigidity of classical education.
Alongside classical programs, Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum options have gained substantial popularity today.
Some excellent Charlotte Mason choices include Masterbooks and Heart of Dakota.
Memoria Press and Veritas Press are good classical options.
3. Free Programs
You can rarely get something good for nothing, but there are a few exceptions.
Several free homeschool curriculum options are available, and one of my personal favorites is Easy Peasy All-in-One.
This program combines elements from traditional, classical, and Charlotte Mason approaches, providing links to online PDFs to make it accessible to those on a tight budget.
Also, consider other free homeschool curriculum programs here.
4. Open-and-Go Curriculum Options
A term I see increasingly used these days is ‘open-and-go curriculum.’ These are programs you can (you guessed it) just open and go homeschool.
No prep work, no staying up all night cutting out paper hearts and puppets (drat – I always cut the fingertips off!).
Simply open the books and start learning.
A couple of good examples of these are Apologia and Notgrass History.
Notgrass is actually a history and geography combo that covers various grade levels at the same time (how wonderful!).
Apologia offers many subject options, and they usually also cover multiple grades, meaning if you have kids who are close in age, you can teach them simultaneously!
5. Super-Affordable Options
Suppose you’re working with a modest budget for your homeschool curriculum.
In that case, you might be looking for an option that offers excellent value, plenty of electives, a few video lessons, and support when needed.
In such cases, the affordable homeschool curriculum, Schoolhouse Teachers, is a fantastic choice.
Indeed, Schoolhouse Teachers provides basic open-and-go [online] boxes as well as an exhaustive array of additional subjects and resources for your entire family, regardless of the number of children or their grade levels.
I use this program myself and appreciate the extensive electives and additional resources it offers.
6. Hands-On Programs
While some parents prefer to steer clear of pipe cleaners and glue sticks, others are oddly drawn to the allure of glue sticks – I mean crafting.
If you find yourself in the latter category, My Father’s World, an eclectic option, is perfect for you.
My Father’s World is truly one of the best hands-on homeschool curriculum programs and offers a diverse range of craft activities, but you can opt out if you’re not feeling particularly crafty.
7. Christian or Secular Choices
Homeschooling provides a unique opportunity for parents to tailor their children’s education to align with their deeply held beliefs and values.
Whether you’re seeking a Christian homeschool curriculum or a secular program, there are top picks to meet your specific preferences.
Families looking to incorporate their Christian faith into their children’s education can consider programs like BJU Press and Schoolhouse Teachers (mentioned above).
Secular homeschoolers often use Christian options but can also explore options like Acellus and Time 4 Learning, which are considered non-religious.
Acellus is even used as a curriculum in some public schools.
In the end, there are many great picks on the market today. But there’s so much more to know about homeschooling before you start. You can take my Homeschool Parenting Program, a 101 Homeschooling Fundamentals course. It will set you up to begin homeschooling confidently. Check the course out here.
Do It By Subject
Don’t forget you can also look at various programs broken down by subjects here:
You can also look into quality books with these booklists:
- COMPLETE Homeschool Booklist
- 20 Books Every Homeschooler NEEDS to Read and then some
- Books for Homeschool PARENTS
By Country
If you’re in America or Australia, you can also search by these countries:
God bless you on your homeschool journey!