Australian Homeschooling Groups

Looking for an Australian homeschooling group, network or support group? You might find links to groups you can contact on this page. Otherwise, read the section below on How to FIND Your Homeschool Group. (An Australian Home Education group is also known as a homeschooling group).

Rebbecca Devitt

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. If you want to do my course on how to homeschool, click here.

On this page you will find:

  1. Instructions on how to find your homeschool group using Facebook
  2. Links to state homeschooling groups in Australia
  3. Links to homeschooling groups in capital cities in each state
  4. General Australian homeschooling groups

Also, if you don’t have much community around you, why not join the Made 2 Homeschool Community here, a community I (Rebecca Devitt) am part of. I live in Wollongong NSW, but I find this is a great place to get mum community, no matter where I am.

Wanting to homeschool in Australia? Find a great group here.

Affiliate links are used on this website.

How to FIND your homeschooling group using Facebook

  1. Go to Facebook. (If you don’t have an account, then sign up for one.)
  2. Click on the search bar and type in your area and then the word ‘homeschoolers’ after. For example, if you live in Bowral, in the Southern Highlands, type in ‘Bowral homeschoolers’. If you do so, you will find…nothing. So try ‘homeschoolers Bowral’. Again you will find nothing. Try to think of the suburbs around you.
  3. For example, Mittagong and Moss Vale are both 5-10 minutes from Bowral. Again, nothing. Try a region like ‘Southern Highlands homeschoolers’. And voila! You will get  Southern Highlands Homeschoolers. You’ll also get  The Homeschoolers of the Southern Highlands. But, the problem is both these groups have less than 10 members!
  4. ​So, you also want to try the word ‘home educators’ in place of homeschoolers. When you type ‘home educators southern highlands’, you get the ‘Southern Highlands Home Educators‘ group popping up. It has 69 members. Now you’ve hit the jackpot. If you connect with that group, you may also be able to connect to closed groups that are hidden to the public.
Hope you’ve found this helpful for finding your homeschool support group!


Australian Homeschooling Groups, State-by-State

Australia is quite a big country. Therefore, unless you plan on socializing online, you may want to look for a homeschool group that’s close to your house. You can do that by looking at each states groups below.

Homeschooling Groups NEW SOUTH WALES (Sydney)

Homeschooling Groups AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (Canberra)

ALL Canberra Homeschool Groups are at this link:
The three main Canberra homeschooling groups seem to be:

Homeschooling Groups VICTORIA​ (Melbourne)

Homeschooling Groups ​NORTHERN TERRITORY (Darwin)

Find Northern Territory homeschooling groups at this link:

​Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be many Northern Territory homeschooling groups visible, so we’ve grouped them all on the Darwin homeschooling page. 

Homeschooling Groups ​QUEENSLAND (Brisbane)

Homeschooling Groups ​SOUTH AUSTRALIA (Adelaide)

Homeschooling Groups ​TASMANIA (Hobart)

Find Tasmanian homeschooling groups at this link:

​Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be many Tasmanian homeschooling groups visible, so we’ve grouped them all on the Tasmania homeschooling page. 

Homeschooling Groups ​WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Perth)

Homeschooling Groups AUSTRALIAN GROUPS

Below are some Australian homeschooling groups, accompanied by their Facebook descriptions.

I’ll be grouping them accordingly:

  • General Australian homeschooling groups
  • Specific Australian homeschooling groups
  • Homeschool Groups for Specific Homeschool Methods
  • Buy, Swap or Sell Homeschooling groups
  • Christian homeschooling groups
  • Teen homeschooling groups (high school homeschooling groups)
  • Australian Homeschool Graduates and Alumni
  • Special needs homeschooling groups in Australia
  • Gifted Homeschooling groups in Australia
  • Homeschooling Groups According to Subject
  • Homeschooling Camps in Australia​ (including Homeschool Events pages)
  • Support Groups for homeschooling parents in Australia
  • Kindergarten & Early Childhood homeschool
  • Games and Gaming Homeschooling Groups in Australia
  • Please note: Homeschooling groups include home education groups in Australia. They are one and the same (although, often groups named ‘home education groups’ are run by homeschooling parents as opposed to homeschooling teens).

General Australian homeschooling groups

Homeschool Australia

  • ‘WELCOME to Homeschool Australia. This is a support group for Australian families currently homeschooling their children. It is one of three groups catering to the needs of the Australian home education community. The other two are:
  • Unschool Australia is a support group for Australian families who are currently unschooling their children.
  • The Educating Parents Homeschooling and Unschooling is a group for anyone with an interest in home education.

Australian Homeschool Connections

  • ‘This group has been specifically designed to help home ed parents reflect on the learning within home ed settings to empower you( the parent) to think like an educator so that writing plans and reporting to state authorities becomes second nature and less daunting. Regardless of where you are in australia as of Jan 2018, home ed parents will need to report in one way or another. Within this group, you will be challenged to think about the lessons, books, excursions and discussions that occur within your home and how that relates back to learning goals and key learning areas. None of this thinking is a requirement of state regulations across australia. It is merely to answer the question, AM I DOING ENOUGH? Through reflection of your home ed style, regardless of your philosophy, you will always be able to answer this guilt ridden question, home ed parents will ask themselves at some point in the journey. So strap yourself in for an empowering, inspirational journey!’ ?

Homeschool Careers and Further Education Community Australia

  • ​This is a community site where: 1. People share tips and insights they have discovered on gaining entry for home educated kids into tertiary study 2. Parents share about their own careers (past or present) to teenagers who want to learn about it, and offer work experience opportunities (if you are currently working). 3. You can post job opportunities for home-ed graduates or part time work for home educated teenagers. The aim is to build up a stock of knowledge gradually and organically as a sharing community. Longer term aspirations are to host our of graduation ceremonies and careers expos.

Australian Homeschool Kids Club.

  • ‘This is an information page for homeschoolers and also events , meet up with others ,make friends and have kid time……lots of stuff for fun ,learning ,online courses , apps etc.’

Christian Homeschool Groups Australia

  • ‘Please only talk about things that concern Christian homeschooling in Australia and related posts.’

Homeschool Australia UNCENSORED

  • Any and all things home ed are appropriate. However directly or indirectly they apply- Home ed often becomes ones life in many families. There is no censoring.

Homeschool kids Australia student friend connect

  • No description is given for this Australian homeschooling group. 

Homegrown & Homeschooling In Australia

  • ‘A group of homeschooling families ranging across styles and philosophies. We welcome anyone living their own version of homeschooling to share with us their knowledge, seek support, give support and to share in a non judgmental way.

Home Education Australia Community

  • ‘We welcome home educators from across Australia to connect here. We encourage and support all forms of home education. Among our membership we have families that use all different types of learning and we encourage and promote the freedom of choice for our members to choose their individual style of home education. Feel free to use this community to post notices relevant to home educators, to promote your local homeschooling page, to let us know of issues you are having in regards to registration or home education in general’.
  • 2.8K members

Australian Home Education: Pre-k to Year 12

  • ‘This is an ‘AUSTRALIAN ONLY’ home education group for those ‘CURRENTLY’ home educating to: share ideas, resources and information to suit children from: Pre-k to Year 12. Home education is an umbrella term for what learning may occur in various ways, including: home-schooling, un-schooling, natural learning, school-at-home, etc.’
  • 1.2K members

Homeschooling Groups in Australia

Unusual or Specific Homeschooling Groups in Australia

Australian Homeschooling Parents Group

  • ‘This group has been made to bridge the gap between home education groups and parenting groups. Many home education groups prefer to focus on homeschool related topics only, however, parenting groups are not always informed or welcoming to home educators, so it was felt a space was needed where home educating parents (and guardians/carers) could find supportive advice on topics related to both homeschooling and general parenting.’

Homeschooling Kinesthetic Learners Australia

  • ‘A brains trust of Aussie Homeschooling parents who teach Kinesthetic Learners.’

Australian large family homeschoolers

  • No Facebook description has been given for this Australian homeschooling group. 

Homeschooling & Working in Australia

  • ‘This group is for Australian parents who are juggling working and homeschooling their children.’

Australian Homeschool Bloggers

  • Have a home schooling blog? Or would you like to start one? Need some guidance and encouragement to find your feet in the blogging world? Wanting to connect, share, encourage and collaborate with other Australian Home School Bloggers? Then this is the group for you!

Australian Secular Homeschool

  • ‘Welcome to Secular Homeschool Australia. This group is for Australian Home Educators to connect within a non-religious forum. A place to gather, share ideas and support each other. Please read this document in full prior to making a membership request.’​

PDA Home Education (pathological demand avoidance)

  • ‘This group is for people who are (or are considering) home educating a child with PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance). It is a forum for sharing ideas and experiences and for supporting each other with the special challenges that these children offer us.’
  • 2K members.

Australian Homeschool House Swap

  • ‘This group is for homeschoolers interested in setting up a group for house swapping holidays or home hosting (where you have a spare room etc). It is a work in progress and currently is the phase of getting ideas on how it will operate in practicality and generating interest.’

Vegan Australian Homeschooling

  • ‘A group for vegan homeschooling activities.’

Homeschool State Swap Australia

  • No Facebook description has been given for this Australian homeschooling group. 

Minimalist Homeschooling Australia

  • No Facebook description has been given for this Australian homeschooling group. 

 ​Homeschool Family Businesses Australia

  • ‘I know as a single homeschooling Mum that networking your business is really hard. I started thinking about our amazing network of homeschoolers on the Coast and how we all support each other. I thought why don’t we support each others businesses too. That includes anyone in the homeschool family. For Homeschool families who have services, home businesses, Small Business to advertise. Or perhaps you have a job opportunity for another person or even a homeschool teen.’

​ Easy Peasy All-in-One-Homeschool Australia

  • ‘This group is a place for Australian families using the Easy Peasy All-in-one Homeschool program to gather and share experiences and discuss homeschooling strategies.’

 ​Start Homeschooling Australia – advice

  • ‘Message to have anonymous questions posted to the group and answered by experienced home educating parents!’
  • Also, if you want to start homeschooling, checkout How to Start Homeschooling When You Don’t Have a Clue.

STEM Homeschooling in Australia

  • This group is to help those home educators who are interested in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) style homeschool. After you request to join one or possibly both admins will send you a pm so please check your ‘other’ folder and if you are lucky enough to get two messages please choose one to reply to, it is not necessary to reply to both 🙂

Home Education Association Members Unite (HEA)

  • ‘This is an Australian group for members of the Home Education Association (HEA) in Australia who are concerned about the current situation and transparency of the HEA committee. This group is not administered or endorsed by the HEA Management Committee. The administrators of this page are active HEA volunteers or lifetime members of the HEA from 5 different states and territories around Australia. Updates will be posted here as available and questions will be answered as soon as possible in an open and transparent manner. As the group grows, it is likely that there will be divergent opinions expressed and members are asked to express their differences in a respectful manner. Be forthright, but refrain from name-calling or intimidation.’
  • 392 members

Homeschool Groups for Specific Homeschool Methods

Eclectic Homeschooling – Australia

  • ‘Eclectic homeschoolers take an individualized approach to homeschooling. They create a patchwork of multiple philosophies that is forever evolving to ensure the best possible home education for each of their children. As a result, there is a great range and variety among eclectic homeschoolers and what works for one family may not work for another.’

Charlotte Mason Study Group For Australian Homeschoolers

  • ‘Welcome to the Australian Charlotte Mason Study Group. This group is for parents using the Charlotte Mason method who want to read and discuss together Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and writings.
  • Newbies and seasoned homeschoolers are all welcome, you just have to be willing to read and actively discuss one of CM’s volumes.’

Australia’s nature-inspired homeschoolers

  • ‘A fun supportive environment to post pics of free or low cost places, projects or your every day homeschool adventures. ‘

Homeschool Languages Other than English – Australia

  • ‘L.O.T.E. FB group for Australian Home Schoolers. If you would like to tell people about the apps and resources you are using, this is a great place to do it.’

Introverted Homeschoolers Australia

  • ‘This is a support group for introverted homeschooling families. This is a safe place to discuss the joys and challenges that homeschooling children brings. This group is for people currently homeschooling school aged children.’

Duke of Edinburgh Award for Australian Homeschoolers

  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award, bringing together practical experiences and life skills to create committed global citizens and equipping young people for life. This award is available for Homeschoolers to complete. There is also a Compass Award for 10 – 14 year olds to achieve.

 ​Structured Homeschooling Australia

  • This is an Australian group for structured home schooling families to chat and support each other and discuss curriculum used, and give advice to others wanting structure in their home schooling journey.

Waldorf Steiner HENS – Home Education Networks and Parenting Australia

  • ‘We have a group for all to share here, or join our site just for Aust. educators at If you are involved in, or inspired by Waldorf Steiner home education, and want to connect with others to share, learn and build community, join us here. You will receive a message in your ‘others’ folder when you request to join, which you will need to reply to so that we know your request is genuine. For a long time, many of us have been working towards creating more ways to find others, and support each other to bring this creative, holistic education to our children that are learning independently of schools. Anyone is welcome here that supports or offers services relating to Waldorf Steiner ed. For those that are wanting to connect directly with others already basing their home ed. on the guiding principles and philosophy, follow the link to the meetup site for info, discussions, creating your own groups to meet together, and to be inspired by fellow home learners.’
  • 1.4K members

Eclectic Home Educators Australia

  • ‘We are a group of Australian Eclectic Home Educators. We do not adhere to any one specific curriculum or pedagogy, rather choosing to cherry pick to create a style of learning that fits our families best.’
  • 403 members.


Homeschool Resources & Buy, Swap or Sell Homeschool Groups

Australian Homeschool Collective Resources

  • ‘A group for Australians currently homeschooling to find group discounts on educational resources and access to free resources.’

Australian Christian Homeschool Buy & Sell

  • This group is for Australian Christian Homeschoolers to buy and sell their curriculum. Secular items are also welcome providing the content isn’t in direct opposition to Christ.

​​ Homeschooling Supplies Buy Swap Sell Giveaway Australia

  • ‘A place for homeschoolers to buy and sell resources. Please DELETE posts after item is sold and payment received.’

Homeschool Buy, Sell, Swap – Australia

  • ‘A group for Australian Homeschoolers to advertise any resources or materials they wish to sell or swap.’

Kim’s Australian Bookshelf – Buy & Sell Used Homeschool, Fantasy & YA Books

  • This is an Australian site where I list used books and boardgames I have for Sale or the ones I am searching for. The types of books include Educational, Young Adult, Fantasy, Non-Fiction and Fiction.

Homeschool Australia Online

  • There is no description give for this Australian homeschooling group. It appears to be a resources page where homeschool parents do buying and selling. ​

Home Schooling Educational Supplies Buy, Swap and Sell AUSTRALIA

  • ‘A group for to buy, sell and swap home schooling supplies from other home schooling families. This group is not just restricted to homeschooler’s, others may also join to sell any school supplies they may have.’
  • 115 members.

Homeschool Resources & Buy, Swap or Sell Homeschool Groups

Australian Homeschool Collective Resources

  • ‘A group for Australians currently homeschooling to find group discounts on educational resources and access to free resources.’

Australian Christian Homeschool Buy & Sell

  • This group is for Australian Christian Homeschoolers to buy and sell their curriculum. Secular items are also welcome providing the content isn’t in direct opposition to Christ.

​​ Homeschooling Supplies Buy Swap Sell Giveaway Australia

  • ‘A place for homeschoolers to buy and sell resources. Please DELETE posts after item is sold and payment received.’

Homeschool Buy, Sell, Swap – Australia

  • ‘A group for Australian Homeschoolers to advertise any resources or materials they wish to sell or swap.’

Kim’s Australian Bookshelf – Buy & Sell Used Homeschool, Fantasy & YA Books

  • This is an Australian site where I list used books and boardgames I have for Sale or the ones I am searching for. The types of books include Educational, Young Adult, Fantasy, Non-Fiction and Fiction.

Homeschool Australia Online

  • There is no description give for this Australian homeschooling group. It appears to be a resources page where homeschool parents do buying and selling. ​

Home Schooling Educational Supplies Buy, Swap and Sell AUSTRALIA

  • ‘A group for to buy, sell and swap home schooling supplies from other home schooling families. This group is not just restricted to homeschooler’s, others may also join to sell any school supplies they may have.’
  • 115 members.

Christian Homeschooling Groups in Australia

Australian Christian Homeschoolers

  • This group is intended for fellowship, encouragement, events and practical advice (particularly in comparing the various Christian homeschooling curricula). ​

Christian Homeschool Australia

  • ‘A group for Australian Christian Homeschoolers to share their experiences and help one another teach their children about God. My name is Katerina Murphy and I am the creator and Admin for the group. I am an Anglican and as such this group will uphold Anglican Christian worship, but all Christian denominations are welcome to join and participate.’

Reformed Homeschoolers Australia

  • No Facebook description has been given for this Australian homeschooling group. ​

SDA Home Education Australia (Seventh Day Adventist homeschooling group)

  • ‘This group is designed to provide a networking opportunity for Seventh-day Adventist families in Australia who have chosen to Educate their own children.’

Teen Homeschooling Groups in Australia (High School Homeschooling)

Australian Highschool Homeschool

  • ‘This is a group for those who are home educating highschoolers in Australia , that is, Year 7 – 12 (age range approx 12- 20, but this is not set in concrete). Feel free to share useful websites, ideas or just vent about those hormones!!! But remember to be respectful.’

Homeschooled Teens Australia

  • A place for homeschooled teens to connect, have discussions or just vent about their day. This is a closed group, so only members will see posts.

Homeschooling Teens Australia

  • ‘Set up by West Aussie homeschooling teens FOR homeschooling teens. We are based in Perth, Western Australia and want to connect with, and support our peers here – and around the globe. A place to talk, share and inspire, regardless of your background – so long as you homeschool/unschool. It is a secret page so no room for trolls. Please see ‘rules’ before adding or commenting.’

Highschool Homeschoolers in NZ/Australia

  • ‘Welcome to Highschool Homeschoolers (NZ/Australia). This group has been set up for home educators in NZ and Australia who are specifically home educating High School aged children. It’s a place to ask for help, discuss ideas, talk about curriculum, teen related problems, or complain if you are having a bad day, or brag about your kid. Home Educating is not always easy, teens are not always easy, so no judgement or personal attacks please. Former home educators of High School aged children most welcome too; your wisdom and advice is invaluable to those starting this next step in our home educating journey. ‘

Australian Homeschool Graduates and Alumni

Australian Homeschool Graduates

  • No description is given for this homeschooling group in Australia.


Dyslexia Homeschool Australia

  • ‘A group for parents of dyslexic children in Australia who are also homeschooling. A place to share ideas, resources and information and connect with others on a similar journey.’​​

Gifted Homeschooling Groups in Australia

Please see our Special Needs and Gifted Homeschooling Groups page here for many more groups.

Homeschooling Gifted Kids in Australia

  • This is a group for those homeschooling (or contemplating homeschooling) their gifted children in Australia. Everyone here has a different story, a different journey and it is important we all be respectful and supportive of each other. Having a gifted child is not always easy and this is a safe place to discuss the bad as well as the good.

Australian Home Education: Parents of Gifted Children

  • No Facebook is given for this Gifted homeschooling group in Australia.
  • 64 members.

Homeschooling Groups According to Subject

Australian Home Education Mathematics

  • No Facebook description is given for this math homeschooling group in Australia.

Australian Home Education STEM

  • No Facebook description is given for this STEM homeschooling group in Australia.

Australian Home Education Science Experiments

  • ‘Home-School Science Experiments: Pre-K to Year 6’ is a SUB-GROUP of: ‘Home-School Pre-K to year 6 group’. This group is for CURRENT AUSTRALIAN HOME-SCHOOL FAMILIES ONLY! …The main group: ‘Home-School: Pre-K to Year 6’.’
  • 293 members

Australian Home Education Visual Arts and Design

  • No Facebook description is given for this Arts homeschooling group in Australia.

Australian Home Education Health and Physical Education

  • No Facebook description is given for this Arts homeschooling group in Australia.
  • 56 members.

Home Education and Photography Australia

  • ‘You are welcome to join this group if: – you are Australian. OR – you live, work or are visiting Australia. AND – you home educate, regardless of your philosophy, method or part-time/full-time status. OR – you manage to put forward a really good case to admin as to why you should be allowed to join. ? This group is for ALL home educating photographers, whether they be amateur or professional; equipped with the latest DSLR or an old mobile phone; highly trained or just taking their first tentative steps into the world of photography. It is for home educating children, soon to be home educated children, graduates of home education and their parents and families. It is for those who use photography in a purely utilitarian fashion to record their home education journey and those who have made it a major part of their curriculum, career or lives. Remember that both home education and photography are journeys. Some are just starting out, while others are further along the path. Please be kind and make the effort to be supportive of others.’
  • 40 members

​​Homeschooling Camps in Australia​ (including homeschool events pages)

Homeschool Camps Australia

  • Welcome to the Homeschool Camps Australia Group. This group is for current home educators to share details of ORGANISED camps Australia wide. Please ensure you receive permission from the camp organiser/s before posting details of the camp or links to the relevant group.’

Christian Homeschool Camps Australia

  • ‘This group is for homeschooling parents to advertise their Christian homeschooling camp in Australia. Christian homeschooling camps are a great way to socialize children within the homeschooling framework and to get some great Christian fellowship. Add your homeschool camp when you plan it.’

 ​Homeschool and unschool EVENTS Australia

  • Homeschool and Unschool EVENTS Australia is a page where ANYBODY can post homeschool and unschool events – whether it is in your group, you want to advertise that you are starting a group or just want to meet new people! As unschoolers and homeschoolers it can be hard to connect with people in your area (especially when you are new to an area) so it is one of my big goals that this helps people to find groups wherever they are, and connect with other homeschoolers.
  • 51 members

Support Groups for Homeschooling Parents in Australia

Australian Homeschoolers’ Procrastinator Support

  • ‘This group is to help fellow procrastinators, who also happen to be homeschoolers, to get on with the things in life they’ve been putting off. Whether you need support and a push along to get the housework done, pay visits to old relatives, take the next step in the business you always planned to set up, or just do some exercise, this could be the group for you. All homeschoolers, unschoolers, and distance edders are welcome.’​ ​

Australian Home Education Neurodiversity Support Group

  • No Facebook description is given for this neurodiversity support homeschooling group in Australia. 
  • ​43 members

Single Parent Home Educators / Home Schoolers Australia

  • ‘This is a closed group for home educating/schooling single parents to meet and share ideas. For those looking into Homeschooling this group might be more appropriate. To ensure a safe and friendly group admin have asked 3 questions and we request that you answer them. If you do not, you will not be added. Alternatively please message one of the admins stating your homeschool journey. Please state your home educating/schooling status and marital status as this is a single parents group it is only fair to keep it that way.’
  • 374 members.

Kindergarten & Early Childhood homeschool

Early childhood homeschool Australia

  • ‘A group for early childhood homeschoolers to share ideas.’

Games and Gaming Homeschool Groups in Australia

CHESS – Australian Homeschoolers

  • CHESS CLUB – ONLINE Welcome to the team! I have created a Home School chess team for our young ones to play safely online, without the stumbling block of trying to find a venue suitable for the majority. I created a team on, which is free and assists with learning to play chess if your child is only beginning. Please register on and join the team Once you sent me a request to join either send me a pm or post here with your child’s username so that I know it is one of us.

Australian Homeschool LEGO Quest

  • What is Lego Quest? Thanks to Lego Quest is a non-competitive, creative building challenge resource for LEGO loving kids that lasted for three years and resulted in 51 unique quests. Now we can do our own quest because we know homeschoolers love LEGO LEGO Quest is a place where you will only experience positivity, encouragement and sharing. ​

Australian Home Education Game-schooling

  • ‘This is an ‘AUSTRALIAN ONLY’ home education game-schooling group for those currently home educating from pre-k to year 12. This group promotes fun learning through play and supports home education with the use of game-schooling. If you are residing in Australia and currently home educating, and are interested in game-schooling: hobby, mainstream, or educational, etc, feel free to join.’
  • ​473 members

Gameschooling Australia

  • ‘Gameschooling Australia is a community group for the buy, sell and trade, and discussion of board games and tabletop games suitable for kids aged 4+ living in Australia. This group is a local spin off of the international group Gameschool Community. This group is run by, and primarily for, homeschoolers but all are welcome here. This group is for: – homeschoolers interested in gameschooling – non-homeschoolers with an understanding that this is a homeschool positive group – buying, selling and trading of appropriate board games, tabletop games and puzzles – discussion and questions about games – sharing Australian sales on games – sharing links about gameschooling or games – posting game play and reviews on games. Please always list the game title in your post so that is can be searched for by others in the future.’ ​

Australian Home Education Lego

  • No description is given for this Lego homeschooling group in Australia.

A Worldwide Community of Homeschool Moms: M2H

The Made 2 Homeschool (M2H) community is a wonderful resource for homeschool moms seeking a supportive and engaging community.

Joining a community of like-minded individuals can alleviate the loneliness that can sometimes accompany homeschooling, especially when local groups don’t meet one’s needs or preferences.

The M2H community offers various avenues for connection and support.

Chats, LIVE chat events, webinars, and videos provide opportunities for homeschool moms to interact, learn from each other, and share their experiences.

Additionally, contributors provide printables and articles that can assist in homeschooling endeavors, offering valuable resources and ideas.

If you’re looking to join a community of homeschool moms and benefit from the support and resources they offer, I encourage you to check out the Made 2 Homeschool community.

You can explore their website or social media channels to learn more about their offerings and determine if it aligns with your interests and needs.

Subscribe to How to Homeschool (my Youtube channel!)

Have you caught the homeschooling bug?

Eager to delve deeper into the realm of unconventional education?

Well, my curious comrades, rejoice!

There are splendid avenues awaiting your exploration.

Firstly, hop on over to my YouTube channel, where a treasure trove of homeschooling wisdom awaits. From practical tips to delightful anecdotes, I unravel the mysteries of homeschooling with a touch of wit and wisdom.

Subscribe, hit that notification bell, and embark on an enlightening journey with me.

Enroll in the Homeschool Parenting Program

For those yearning for a comprehensive guide to homeschooling, look no further than my Homeschool Parenting Program.

This illustrious online course will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence to navigate the exhilarating world of homeschooling like a seasoned pro.

Enroll today and unlock the door to extraordinary educational possibilities.

Conclusion: Finding Australian Homeschooling Groups

Social groups are a great idea if you plan on home-educating your children. These Australian homeschooling groups will give you a great avenue to have fun socially and make friends easily. If you’d like some more information on how to find a homeschooling group closer to your specific area, check out Homeschooling groups in Australia or watch the video here.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

Articles: 346