7 BEST Australian Homeschool Curriculum Programs & Packages (2023)

Homeschooling has been on the rise in Australia for the past few decades, and many parents are now opting to incorporate religious education into their children’s studies. With Australian homeschool curriculum programs and packages becoming more widely available, parents can find the perfect option that meets their child’s needs and educational goals.

However, with so many different programs and packages, it can be challenging to know which one is best suited for your family. In this article, we’ll go through a few options to help you decide what will suit you and your family best.

Rebbecca Devitt

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. If you want to do my course on how to homeschool, click here.

If you are a newcomer to homeschooling, I highly suggest enrolling in the Homeschool Parenting Program. This program will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of homeschooling, ensuring that you feel confident and at ease. The course is both engaging and enlightening.

For now, let’s look at this great list of Australian curriculum programs!

australian christian homeschool curriculumAffiliate links are used in this article. 

Why Choosing an Australian Homeschool Curriculum Might be a Good Move

Choosing an Australian homeschool program can be a good option as the Australian curriculum often follow the state/country education syllabus.

Many Australian homeschool curriculum providers offer to help parents with registration which is why they’re a big hit with Australian homeschooling parents.

While you don’t need to choose an Australian homeschool curriculum, choosing one can make homeschooling easier as you’ll have less trouble trying to comply with homeschool registration laws and demands.

This doesn’t mean you can’t choose an American one (as I’ll argue at the end of the article) and supplement it with an Australian curriculum that covers the syllabus.

Australian Christian Home Schooling

The Australian Christian Home Schooling Curriculum is an educational option for families who want to provide a faith-based learning experience for their children in Australia. They use the ACE Paces (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum for students.

ACE is an offline, paper-based program that teaches Christian values, beliefs, and disciplines while providing the same quality of education as a good school.

The Australian Christian Home Schooling curriculum provides parents with a curriculum that requires very little input from parents as it is an open-and-go program. That makes it an excellent option for busy parents who work from home.

The curriculum includes traditional subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies but also offers over 50 electives such as art, music and physical education.

Additionally, students are encouraged to think critically through discussion-based lessons designed to help them become independent thinkers.

Furthermore, the curriculum allows parents to customize their student’s learning plans and incorporate life skills into daily lessons, such as budgeting or nutrition.

If you love the sound of a Christian curriculum but aren’t fussed if it’s Australian, you can also check out BEST Christian Homeschool Curriculum Packages Reviewed.

My Homeschool – A Charlotte Mason Homeschool

My Homeschool is an Australian Christian homeschooling curriculum provider. The program is created and run by people who have homeschooled their own children. My Homeschool has a few big aims:

  1. To Help with Registration
  2. To Assist you in becoming a great home educator
  3. To Aid you in choosing what you’re going to teach your children

This program is based on the Charlotte Mason method but also mixes this with complying with the Australian syllabus. This means there is a slight compromise with the Mason method. However, it means registration is usually a breeze which is a massive plus for homeschool parents, especially if it’s their first year home educating.

What is the Charlotte Mason method? Watch the video below to find out more.

You can see an extended review of the My Homeschool Curriculum here.

Also, if you aren’t fussed about an Australian curriculum, you can look at other Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum programs here.

Simply Homeschool – An Eclectic Curriculum

Simply Homeschool curriculum is the perfect solution for Australian parents who want to provide their children with an offline, paper-based education that is tailored to their individual needs.

Developed by industry professionals, the Simply Homeschool materials are designed to meet the academic needs of primary-aged students while also providing an enriching learning experience.

Using a unique blend of traditional and other homeschooling methods (like the Unit Studies and Charlotte Mason methods), Simply Homeschool provides students with access to engaging materials that make learning fun.

Unlike traditional school curriculums, this program allows students to work independently in a supportive environment free from distractions and stress.

The comprehensive range of lessons covers essential topics such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies in an easy-to-follow format.

Parents can also rest assured knowing that all lesson plans adhere to national standards set by the Australian Curriculum Standards Authority (ACSA).

You can see an extended review of the Simply Homeschool Curriculum here.

Euka Online -An Online Program

The Euka homeschool curriculum is an online Australian secular learning program designed to give students the freedom to learn at their own pace and on their own terms.

This progressive, home-based educational program offers a comprehensive range of courses and activities tailored to each individual family’s needs.

From early years through to high school, the Euka homeschool curriculum provides an interactive, stimulating environment for children of all ages.

The Euka curriculum has been created by teachers who understand how different teaching methods can help students reach their full potential.

The course content is based on the Australian Curriculum Framework, allowing students to develop literacy and numeracy skills in a holistic way that incorporates critical thinking and problem-solving.

Through this approach, students can gain a deeper understanding of the subject material while honing essential life skills such as communication, collaboration and creativity.

This program also offers parents help to register their children in their chosen state.

You can see an extended review of the Euka Curriculum here.

Riverside Christian College Distance Education (an Online School)

Riverside Christian College is a distance education program that provides students with the opportunity to study from wherever they are.

To be clear, this is an online school (not so much a true homeschool curriculum).

Riverside offers a broad selection of courses, online tutoring, student support services and other resources. The college has been providing high-quality distance education programs since 1979, giving students around the world access to quality higher education.

Distance education at Riverside Christian College allows students to study independently and at their own pace.

With flexible start dates and no prerequisites required, it’s easy for anyone to get started on their educational journey.

Courses range from certificate level up to postgraduate degrees, so there’s something for everyone regardless of experience or qualifications. There are also financial assistance options available for those who qualify.

Australian Distance Education Curriculum

You may be wondering if you can study using a distance education provider. This is absolutely possible and may, in some cases, provide you with more peace of mind than using a homeschool curriculum.

This is because distance education providers are accredited. They are accredited because when your child does distance education, they’re really just studying at an online school. (I’ll discuss homeschool vs distance education vs regular school a little more down the page.)

But, who offers distance education in Australia? There are a actually quite a few people.

Let’s look at it more closely below.

Australian Christian Education

If you want an education that isn’t run by the government’s Department of Education (perhaps because you have issues with their standards or wish to provide a Christian education), check out Australian Christian Education (ACC).

ACC is the largest distance education provider in Australia, other than the Dept. of Education.

Department of Education

The Department of Education is the biggest provider of distance education in Australia. They have been offering this program for decades and even I studied under their distance program in 2006.

This program is a well-oiled machine, but I found it a little dry. As a Christian, I certainly missed stimulating Christian content and found the texts to be dry and (in some cases) morally objectionable.

However, it’s important to realize that if you study with the Department of Education, you’re really studying with an online public school. Some will think this is a good thing, while others will not.

Other Distance Education Providers

There are MANY distance education providers in Australia. Get a complete list here.

Are There Any Accredited Homeschool Curriculum Providers?

There can’t be any accredited homeschool curriculum providers because homeschools can’t be accredited. Only schools can.

That means if you are studying with an ‘accredited homeschool curriculum provider,’ you’re studying in an online school.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In one way, you’re still doing school from home. But, studying with an accredited online school means your curriculum will be rigid and not flexible like an authentic unaccredited homeschool curriculum.

Is Accreditation an Important Thing to Have?

You may feel considerably relieved to feel you’re covering all the ‘core’ subjects (whatever that means). That is, some parents find it stressful when they don’t have a clear roadmap of where their children’s education is going.

This can make studying with an accredited program (an online school) a valuable and helpful thing.

However, studying with an online school also removes your flexibility, meaning you won’t always have time to go down rabbit holes if you want to. It also means you can’t skip superfluous work you don’t want to do and work that isn’t helpful or part of the dogmas you hold.

In the end, it is a toss-up. I prefer working with an unaccredited program as I have seen the inflexibility of an online school leading to stress in itself. But, it’s something you have to weigh up.

australian homeschool curriculum options

Homeschool vs Distance Education vs Regular School

Homeschool, distance education, and regular school are all educational options that provide students with the opportunity to learn. However, each of these educational methods has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages that make them unique.

Homeschooling is a type of education where parents teach their children at home instead of enrolling them in a traditional school setting.

Homeschooled students benefit from the individualized attention they receive from their parents and can progress through lessons at a pace that suits their learning style. However, homeschooling can be difficult for parents who may not have enough time to devote to their child’s education – in which case a distance education provider might be a better option.

Distance education allows students to study remotely via online platforms like webinars and virtual classrooms. This method offers more flexibility than traditional schooling as students can work independently on course content at any location with internet access.

Specific differences between homeschooling, distance, and regular school

With a homeschool, you have to register with the government. With distance education and regular school, you don’t.

Homeschools also get visits from government moderators. Distance education and regular school students do not.

Parents have to create their own learning program to meet Australian curriculum standards if they homeschool. The other two options include the program in thier curriculum.

Homeschooling parents are not qualified teachers (although I don’t think this matters much…at least it didn’t matter in my case). Schools and distance education teachers have to be qualified.

Depending on the state homeschoolers live in, they my have to keep records of lessons, learning progress, time allocations and assessments.

Homeschools are also not part of a registered school. Instead, they can get advice from Facebook groups and homeschool groups they join. If you’re studying with a distance education provider, you are part of a registered school.

Homeschooling can be a more affordable option compared to a traditional school. It may even be more affordable than a distance education school. For example, ACC costs around $1000 per student per year.

Can I Use an American Homeschool Curriculum if I’m Australian?

Yes, absolutely! That’s what I do myself.

I use an American one called BJU Press because I honestly think Americans produce better homeschool curricula. And they should do it because they’ve been producing curricula for decades longer than Australians have.

This doesn’t mean Australian curriculum options aren’t any good. But, I think it means there is sometimes a difference in the quality of curriculum programs.

Indeed, out of the immediate friends I have, 8 out of 10 are using American curricula like BJU Press, Abeka, and LifePac.

But there are also other options which use various homeschool methods like the:

There are also open-and-go options, Christian and secular options, family-style programs, self-paced picks, and more popular homeschool curriculum options.

What if I Don’t Choose to Use an Australian Homeschool Curriculum

It’s okay if you don’t choose an Australian homeschool curriculum. But, if you don’t, you’ll have to try to fit the American curriculum into regulations about homeschooling in your state.

Some parents will consider it worthwhile to try to make it work, while others will not.

And some parents will have more straightforward regulations to work with compared to other parents (some states or areas of states have harsher regulations or rules than others, and some homeschool inspectors are easier/harsher than others).

Conclusion on the Best Australian Homeschool Curriculum Programs

In conclusion, homeschooling in Australia can be an efficient and cost-effective way to ensure that your children receive the best possible education. The 10 Best Australian Homeschool Curriculum Programs & Packages listed here all offer a variety of creative and engaging learning materials that are sure to help your children to learn and grow. Each program has its own unique approach, but they all provide the same thing – a quality education.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

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