Singapore Math vs Beast Academy: A Detailed COMPARISON

If you have children with a knack for math, many of your traditional math programs just won’t make the grade. So you have a couple of great options we’re going to compare and contrast today: Beast Academy vs Singapore Math. These two options are advanced mathematics programs that teach in a more problem-based way. But what’s different about them?

Rebbecca Devitt

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Are your kids bored with traditional math programs? Do they need more of a challenge? These two advanced math programs are the most popular on the market. But, which will suit your family more? Find out all the details of Beast Academy vs Singapore math in this post.Affiliate Links are used in this article. They help support my family at no extra cost to you so thanks in advance.

Similarities of Beast Academy vs Singapore Math

Many people compare these two programs because they’re similar in many ways.

Most notably, they differ because they’re:

  • more advanced or rigorous than common math programs
  • engaging alternatives to workbook approaches
  • train mathematical thinking skills (as well as logic) more than others
  • offer online and offline (book) versions
  • able to be purchased in part or as entire grades
  • both programs don’t have apps
  • mastery-based

But how are these two advanced math programs different?

Differences Between Singapore Math vs Beast Academy

Let’s take a look at Beast Academy first.

Beast Academy

Beast Academy differs from Singapore Math in the following respects. It:

  • is created for grades 2-7 (or ages 8-14 years old)
  • uses animations to teach visually
  • offers challenging quizzes
  • develops logical thinking skills

After graduating from Beast Academy, students can continue advanced math studies with another program called The Art of Problem Solving.

This makes Beast Academy a better choice for high school math skills.

See an extended Beast Academy review here.

Or look at the online and offline formats here.

Singapore Math

But how is Singapore Math different? These are the main points of differentiation:

  • Created from ages 3-13 (or ages 3-13)
  • Based on primary math taught in Singapore schools
  • It uses a mastery approach so children learn before moving on
  • Teacher-led video lessons (not animations. See pictures below)
Singapore Math online lessons are available on Vimeo
Here, a Singapore Math teacher walks students through the curriculum.
Singapore Math uses teacher led videos for online training.
Here, you can see that Singapore Math uses manipulatives that they walk children through during teacher-led lessons.

Because SM starts so much earlier, it is a better choice for early math skills.

Or look at the online and offline formats (books) here.

Format Differences

These programs have wildly different looks in their online and book versions.

BOOK COMPARISON: Beast Academy vs Singapore Math

When you look at Singapore Math books, they tend to be a little less visually interesting compared to Beast Academy books.

Singapore Math is less visually cluttered, which might also be less interesting for students.

Singapore Math insides look like this.
Singapore Math insides look like this.

In comparison, Beast Academy books are like comic books at times (see picture below).

Lots of bright colors and fun visuals to engage children.

Beast Academy books are more visually appealing for many children.
Beast Academy books may be more visually appealing for some children.

You could ask your child which version they like the look of more and then go with that.


The Beast Academy online version seems much more advanced than Singapore Math’s online version (which is just teacher-led lessons).

Beast Academy (BA)

BA makes children work through various problems on a floor and then take a test at the end (see the picture below).

Beast Academy vs Singapore math onlie lessons shows BA is more advanced.

If children aren’t sure what to do, they can get teacher-led video lessons inside the platform OR look at the relevant workbook page inside the lesson.

This means parents don’t have to buy workbooks separately.

Beast Academy offers lots of different ways to learn the lesson.
Beast Academy offers lots of different ways to learn the lesson.

Beast Academy also has a tracking tool so you can tell where your students are struggling and what problems they’ve learned.

As a parent, you can lock or unlock various lessons depending on what you think they can tackle.

If you want to learn more about how to use Beast Academy Online, check out this video.

Singapore Math

Singapore Math pre-recorded teacher lessons are made to be used in addition to physical textbooks and manipulatives.

The teacher takes out the work for parents by explaining the material so children can do the program themselves.

Scroll up the page to see visuals of SMs online version.

How Hard Are the Programs?

Compared to regular programs, how advanced are Beast Academy and Singapore Math?

Beast Academy

These programs are about a grade more advanced than regular-grade math levels.

So, if you have a gifted Grade 4 student, you would get the Grade 3 package.

But, do the placement tests before you start to ensure the right level.

These programs can be frustrating for ordinary students because they are so advanced.

Singapore Math

Ordinary students can use Singapore Math, but it is also an excellent choice for advanced math students as there are many opportunities to develop more advanced math skills.

Singapore Math is more advanced than the average public school math curriculum. But it isn’t as advanced as BA.

Practice Opportunities

Singapore Math offers a huge amount of practice so children can spend a long time working on problems and perfecting their work. The aim is that if you’re at a lower level, there’s plenty of practice to help you improve.

Beast Academy offers fewer drills and practice but aims to teach things more logically and with more critical thinking skills, so children think more (or harder) and practice less.

BA teaches more about why, and SM teaches using more practice.

COST: Beast Academy vs Singapore Math

Let’s take a look at the cost of these two advanced math programs.

Both programs are very similarly priced.

  • Beast Academy online costs $96/year.
  • Singapore Math online costs $85. (But, you need to buy the books with SM [+$43-74.00 depending on what you get])

Beast Academy books each cost around $16 each, and Singapore Math books cost around $13. So they’re pretty comparable, too.

But, if bought as a bundle, it’s more affordable.

Math Curriculum ALTERNATIVES

Beast Academy and Singapore Math aren’t the only fish in the sea.

There are many great homeschool math curriculums.

Let’s go through a few of them below.

  • BJU Press Math – open and go (quite rigorous compared to public school)
  • Right Start Math – teaches with visualization and manipulatives
  • Life of Fred – teaches math through literature (also rigorous)
  • Math U See – teaches also with visualization and manipulatives
  • Saxon Math – popular workbook-based math program

I’ve used BJU Press pre-recorded teacher lessons and loved how open-and-go they were.

My son is way ahead of children his own age and is really enjoying math.

Not all math programs are made equally. These are the most popular advanced math program. But, which is better? Find out all the details of Beast Academy vs Singapore math in this post.

More Curriculum Comparisons

If you’re loving this article, dive into my homeschool channel called How to Homeschool.

We talk:

  • homeschool methods,
  • curriculum options
  • homeschool tips
  • things to avoid
  • and more

Check it out here.

The Bottom Line

Both Singapore and Beast will give your child a grounding in advanced mathematics for their age. However, Singapore Math vs Beast Academy is less animation-based. As mentioned, there are also cost differences to consider. Hopefully, this article has helped you decide which one you prefer. But if you’re still looking, check out these math homeschool curriculum options here.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

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