BJU Bible Truths K4 Review (for Ages 4 and 5)

Are you looking for a curriculum that teaches Bible truths to children – a  curriculum that gives you access to helpful Bible stories that teach children how to walk in God’s ways? Well, welcome to the BJU Bible Truths program for K4 (4 to 5-year-olds).

Rebbecca Devitt

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The Bible Truths program has been a great blessing to everyone in the family. I’ve loved seeing my son’s rapt attention while I teach him Bible truths. My husband has loved seeing how much my son knows (which can be effectively gauged with the questions at the bottom of the cards); Luke has enjoyed the material, and my one-year-old, Penny, enjoyed eating the mini-book of Bible stories we made from the workbook!

After hankering for a good program that could teach my son Bible stories, I think I’ve found that with this program.

Please note that this is a review of the BJU Bible Truths K4 program (NOT the BJU Bible Truths K5 program which you can find here).

I am an affiliate with BJU because I love its products. Purchasing through my links doesn’t cost you any more. But, it helps me keep blogging and support my family from home. 

Contents of the BJU Bible Truths Pack

When you buy the BJU Bible Truths program, you will get:

  • a workbook
  • a teacher’s manual (see picture below)
  • and three packets that contain 165 A3 cards (pictures at end of article).

You can also purchase a Bible Truths CD that lets your kindergartener sing songs that help reinforce the concepts he’s learning in the curriculum.

Teachers Manual BJU Press Bible Truths k4 program.
BJU Press Bible Truths k4 Teachers Manual.

BJU Bible Truths K5/K4 at a Glance

To give you a clearer understanding of this program, I’ve put together a few points that let you get a feel for it at a glance.

  • Parents or teachers can use one card a day, five days a week, which gives them nine months of material.
  • If you need to skip cards for missed days,  you can cut out the review cards.
  • Children study ‘Units’ within the packet. There are 13 Units. Each Unit has its own memory verse.
  • Kids learn one memory verse per 10 to 20 cards (i.e. cards 1-20 encourage kids to learn Hebrews 13:17a: cards 21-30 encourage kids to learn Psalm 56:3).
  • Bible truth sections (or units) are color-coded.
  • There is a Bible Truths CD available, which teaches helpful scripture songs.
  • There are special thanksgiving,  Christmas, and Easter cards, so you can use them to teach children about these important Christian holidays.
  • The program comes with a helpful workbook that reinforces Bible truths learned from the cards.
  • If you want to use the cards in Sunday school, you can choose 52 cards that best meet the needs of children in the group.
  • Cards are ordered so they teach certain concepts (contentment, truthfulness and so on). If you like, you can re-arrange the cards in biblical order to teach children a different way.
The Wise Builder Card from the BJU Bible Truths k5 packet.


I have been using this curriculum for two months. It’s been an exciting time as I’ve watched my 4-year-old think about important gospel truths and behaviors that emerge from Bible stories on the cards.

The cards are quite large and come in an A3 size. This means your kids can sit in front of you and look at the big picture on the front of the Bible Truths card while you read the text on the back.

The cards aim to teach valuable lessons like:

  • Section 1: Walking in obedience, courage, kindness, and responsibility.
  • Section 2: Walking in thankfulness, contentment, generosity, honesty, and prayer.
  • Section 3: Walking in forgiveness, trust, respect, and patience.

The Cards

The cards have simple and engaging stories, which are very suitable for a 4 to 5-year-old.

At the top of the card, they have The Bible Truths for Christian Growth which gives you an idea of what the lesson aims to teach.

Under this, they have a Prayer section. The Prayer section helps parents know what to pray about in response to what children learned on the card.

Under the Prayer section is a Verse section. The Verse section tells you the memory verse the child needs to learn (these reflect the broader topic).

Then comes the main title (with the verses the text refers to directly under the main heading) and the main text, which takes around 3-5 minutes to read. 

Sometimes, there are blue boxes that give you prompts on what to do or say. These boxes are often telling kids the point of the story.

Finally, there is the question section at the end of the cards. The question section is my favorite part because I get so excited when I see how much my child has learned. The questions are fantastic for gauging if your child has been listening and how much they have taken in.

Card Questions on the bottom of the BJU Press Bible Truths K4 cards
Questions at the bottom of the BJU Press Bible Truths K4 cards.

Of course, you can omit questions or change them to suit your needs and the mood in the room. For example, because I read these stories to my son before he goes to bed, sometimes he is pretty tired, so I will only do one or two easy questions. Other times, he is very awake, and we might make up even more questions.

I find the questions are also an excellent opportunity to lead the conversation into other godly topics – they’re a perfect springboard for more discussion.

Card example.

Student Worktext

Then there’s the student worktext or workbook. This book helps students reinforce concepts they learned in the BJU Bible Truths cards.

Most pages have coloring-in work. But, they often require a bit of cutting out to make concepts come alive.

For example, one of the sheets had a drawing of Esther and the king. The activity was to cut out another section (that had the king extending his scepter) and paste it over the old king.

This arrangement made it look like the king was frowning and holding his scepter, and then when you folded out the cut part, it looked like the king was smiling and holding out his scepter.

Then Luke was instructed to color in Esther and the king.

Again, I found the coloring in time led to great conversations, ‘Mummy, what’s a scepter?’ ‘Mummy, why does a king have a scepter?’ Of course, I had to think about the last one.

We also made a little book by cutting in certain spots and pasting in others.

The point of having varied activities is that children don’t just learn while sitting on their bottoms and listening to the teacher or parent.

This means kids are learning more because they’re learning in different ways.

The workbook also has a section of memory verse reminders.

Children can use these for review, especially if parents print the words of the memory verse on the back.

Do I Recommend the BJU Bible Truths Program?

I’ve got to admit, when I first got this program, I wasn’t sure if the cards would work well. After all, they were so big!

But we’ve loved using the BJU Bible Truths K4 program so much so that Luke cried yesterday when I was too tired to read the cards.

My husband also commented a couple of days ago as he read The Bible card for the first time. He said he enjoyed them because he could easily see how much look understood of the topic and was pleasantly surprised at how much he had understood.

The cards have also helped my son see how much his father values the Bible as he reads the cards and asks him questions about the story.

And because we read two of these cards every day (even though you’re only supposed to read one), we get through a lot of the material quickly. The fast pace means we spend a lot of the day talking about Bible stories.

As a mother, this is encouraging.


If you’re considering the BJU Press Bible Truths program for 4 to 5-year-olds, I would say, “Go for it!” It has been an enormous blessing to my family and lots of fun.  The Bible Truths program helped us to learn more about God, and it has helped my son see that his mother and father value God’s Word highly. And this is something we want our little boy to learn more than we want him to know the three Rs.

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Rebecca Devitt

Most adults don't particularly want to relive their schooling experience on a daily basis. They would gladly move on to a new life devoid of homework and teachers. Very, very few adults will passionately blog about their schooling some 15 years after graduating. This makes Rebecca Devitt somewhat unique. As it happens, she was homeschooled. And she loved it. Still does. And she wishes every kid could get a taste of homeschooling at its very best. Her website How Do I Homeschool, is a springboard for parents to see what a life of homeschooling could be for both them & their children. When she's not blogging Rebecca is still homeschooling her-adult-self by learning Latin, growing weird vegetables and most importantly looking after her two children Luke & Penny. She has a husband Tristan and is a participant at Wollongong Baptist Church. She's also written a book about why parents should homeschool called 'Why on Earth Homeschool'.

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